Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Homosexual Activists VS Biblical Morality on U.S. Surgeon General

Homosexual Rights groups wish to deny Dr. James Holsinger’s nomination as Surgeon General because his personal beliefs are traditional Christian Morality pertaining to marriage.

Since when do personal beliefs disqualify any person from a job? If that was the measuring, the majority heterosexuals and Christian Biblical moralist would ban homosexuals from a significant number of jobs that affect the family (e.g. school teachers, daycare workers, and public leaders and so on).

This is a classic example of homosexual agenda hypocrisy aimed especially at Biblical Morality. If H.R. 1592 and S. 1105 were the law of the land Dr. Holsinger would be disqualified for his beliefs being incitement to hate crimes.



Steve said...

"Since when do personal beliefs disqualify any person from a job?"

Since it was decided that you must condone, affirm, celebrate, and encourage sodomy.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Well Steve (rhyming with Eve) who decided that I "must condone, affirm, celebrate and encourage sodomy"? Certainly it is not in the Constitution. The only real truth the Word of God prohibits, negates, rejects and discourages sodomy.

Now the Left Coast Appellate Court - legally known as Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals - constantly overrides the Constitution and the Supreme Court over turns the Left Coast frequently.

Anonymous said...

Switching to my other account.

It's the Left that made the decision.

Not sure if our signals are getting crossed. My point was that the Left has set the standards by which apointees must be judged. It's not about the qualifications of an individual but whether they will make the protected minority groups feel good about themselves.

Also, which is your primary blog site, this or

SlantRight 2.0 said...

I see. I offer my humblest apologees.

The Left has set the standards; however it is because the Right (in Congress) failed to establish a Conservative agenda to stand up to the Left while in power. I am not certain if that lesson has been learned (when) the GOP or Conservatives regain the upperhand.

As to my primary website: it is The blogspot site is used to embellish and to point to It is a little harder for people to comment at my primary site because of the anti-spam precautions my tech guy has installed.

At Blogspot I get everyone from the crazy to the sincere. I have more freedom to answer (sometimes I do explode) comments. And sometimes I stick my foot in my mouth as well.
