Thursday, July 26, 2007

American MSM Give Forum to American Enemies

America is at War. It is currently called the War on Terror. If one disagrees with the decision to engage in War that is their Constitutional right. However it is not a Constitutional right to undermine the government’s ability to wage the War that was Congressionally approved with the President.

My God fellow Americans giving aid to the enemy during War is treasonous is it not?

Well check this out: some of the biggest publishers of the Mainstream Media (MSM) have given a voice to Jihadists as a forum to justify their hatred and their reason for War with America (and probably Israel).

Excuse me: I don’t care how Leftist or how much a Leftist hates Bush for engage Terrorists after years of attacks against American resources and military assets only for the final straw of toleration to be snapped with an attack on America’s Homeland murdering thousands of American men, women and children.

Was Bush wrong to engage Terrorists? NO! Bush should have gone after more rogue States harboring Terrorists than just Afghanistan and Iraq.

Was Bush wrong on his choice of strategy to achieve a goal of victory? YES! Just because Bush screwed up strategically does not mean America surrenders, it means the strategy or leadership must change. A leadership change does not mean finding defeatists who wish to surrender, it means finding leadership to carry out a strategy that ends in American Victory. Losing should never be an option for America. We need a General Patton attitude about spilling the blood of the enemy and not tolerating the enemy to spill American blood (the sanitized version, Patton would have been more graphic).

God bless America and shut down the MSM that supports the enemies of America. Freedom of the Press is not the freedom to undermine American morale. The MSM should be exposing the character of Jihadists not providing them a forum. The Jihadist has their own media to spread their lies and opinions.

Go to Counterterrorism Blog to read the specifics of this heinous abuse of First Amendment Freedom of Speech and the Freedom of the Press.

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