Monday, July 16, 2007

Ellison Closer to Hitler than Bush

In case you have not heard, Keith Ellison has compared Bush to Hitler. The comparison is to Hitler’s burning of the German Reichstag and blaming the Communist to accumulate personal power to al-Qaeda terrorist’s homicidal suicides that murdered thousands of Americans at the Twin Towers and Bush’s response to the act of war.

Keith Ellison makes an attempt to defend his remarks that only a fool would find plausibly believable:


Wrong response to 9/11

This past Sunday I spoke to constituents about religious tolerance and the erosion of civil liberties in a post-9/11 America. It is precisely in the aftermath of a tragedy like 9/11 that we must be most vigilant about our precious civil liberties. Unfortunately, some have tried to misconstrue my remarks.

Obviously, Osama bin Laden and the hijackers who carried out the murderous events are responsible for 9/11. The question is, however, how do we respond to this tragedy? With fear and rage? Or with courage and reason?

I'm for courage and reason.

This means that in the aftermath of 9/11, instead of invading Iraq, President Bush should have responded militarily where necessary, but even more so, diplomatically, and with all of our intelligence resources.

If the president had embraced the good will of the post 9/11 world to marshal an international effort to eliminate the terrorist cells responsible for this heinous act, we wouldn't be mired in a five-year war. We could have effectively eliminated Al-Qaida instead of creating a virtual recruiting station for them in Iraq. As it is, we may need years to shake off the taint of Iraq, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, FISA violations, Patriot Act encroachments and other Bush administration failures.

And finally, America would still be viewed around the world as the beacon of hope and opportunity -- where tolerance, diversity and generosity are celebrated. These are the pillars of our democracy, and they have made and kept us strong at home and abroad throughout our history.

Star Tribune Letters to the Editor July 13, 2007)

Please! The Butcher of Baghdad needed to be removed as a supporter of terrorism even if there was not a direct link between Saddam and 9/11. Bush’s propaganda mistake about Iraq was linking invasion to WMD (not that there were not any WMD) because the WMD was spirited out of Iraq and thus cause and effect was egg in Bush’s face. Saddam’s harboring and allowance of terrorist training camps could have been a viable excuse because America was attacked by terrorists (incidentally good reasons to depose Assad of Syria and at the very least cause havoc to Iran). Bush could have even had an invasion excuse due to genocide of Shi’ites by mass executions and of Kurds by Chemical WMD – all provable acts of atrocity against humanity.

The essence of comparing President Bush to Hitler with the destruction of the Twin Towers (and by inclusion the attack on the Pentagon) is like saying Bush orchestrated the Islamofascist Mohammedan murderers to enable a dictatorship. If that were true, would Ellison be still alive?

Ellison is worse than a Leftist Democrat, he has connections to hate monger Nation of Islam and terrorist supporters the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In my opinion that makes him a Fifth Columnist intent on changing Liberty and Democracy in America to Sharia Law by utilizing the tools of Liberty and Democracy. Hmmm … who did that in Germany to engender a Nazi dictatorship?


The truth about Keith Ellison

Power Line
Posted by Scott Johnson
July 10, 2007

From the moment Minnesota Fifth District (Mineapolis) Rep. Keith Ellison first arrived on the scene from Detroit and started making a name for himself as a law student at the University of Minnesota, he was a mouthpiece for the Nation of Islam and its revolting ideology. Over the imprecations of his Jewish classmates, for example, Ellison helped bring raving anti-Semitic Nation of Islam speaker Kwame Toure to the the University of Minnesota Law School itself in February 1990.

As a public figure in private practice Ellison befriended the gang leader whose minions committed the most notorious cop killing in Minnesota history. Ellison's contributions included leading a mob chanting "no justice, no peace" outside the courthouse in support of one of the defendants subsequently convicted of the murder of the police officer. Ellison made himself a low-rent Louis Farrakhan (if that's possible), even going through a phase during which he appeared in public with the trademark Farrakhan bow tie in the mid-1990's. There was nothing original about his act.

When Ellison sought to remake himself as a potential national figure, he took to prevaricating and dissembling about his long-time Nation of Islam involvement. Fortunately for Ellison, the Minneapolis Star Tribune cooperated with his makeover by airbrushing his public record in Minnesota. That is the story I told here throughout the summer and fall of 2006, summarizing my research in the Weekly Standard article "
Louis Farrakhan's first congressman" and in the companion post "Keith Ellison for dummies."

Ellison cast his Nation of Islam act aside after he failed to secure the Democratic nomination for a state legislative seat in 1998, though he was still plying some of the old-time religion in the course of defending cop killer wannabe Kathleen Soliah/Sara Jane Olson at a National Lawyers Guild fundraiser for Soliah in 2000. By that time Ellison was working Marxist shtick on his path to power in the local Democratic Party.

Ellison now embodies the Democratic Party's alliance with radical Islam. How Ellison reconciles his Islamic faith with the party's devout belief in homosexual rights, leftist feminism, and every other element of the party's most radical agenda is a subject that the Minnesota media have somehow left unexplored. But it should come as no surprise to find Ellison peddling his shtick this week in suburban Minneapolis at a gathering of Atheists for Human Rights. The Star Tribune
reports (Subscription or 7 day pass required):

    "You'll always find this Muslim standing up for your right to be atheists all you want," Ellison, the first Muslim to serve in Congress, said in a speech to more than 100 atheists at the Southdale Library in Edina. As Minnesota's first black member of the U.S. House ends his first six months in office, Ellison did not disappoint a crowd that seemed energized the more pointed he made his opinions.

    On impeaching Cheney, which the Minneapolis DFLer supports: "[It is] beneath his dignity in order for him to answer any questions from the citizens of the United States. That is the very definition of totalitarianism, authoritarianism and dictatorship."

    On calling the war in Iraq an "occupation": "It's not controversial to call it an occupation -- it is an occupation."


    On comparing Sept. 11 to the burning of the Reichstag building in Nazi Germany: "It's almost like the Reichstag fire, kind of reminds me of that. After the Reichstag was burned, they blamed the Communists for it and it put the leader of that country [Hitler] in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted. The fact is that I'm not saying [Sept. 11] was a [U.S.] plan, or anything like that because, you know, that's how they put you in the nut-ball box -- dismiss you."

In promoting the disgusting conspiracy myths of radical "truthers" and extremist Muslims, Ellison is simply working his latest hustle to the growing audience in the nut-ball box. It's an audience that includes the Minneapolis atheists who fancy themselves too intelligent to believe in God.

There is more at
Little Green Footballs:

    Is Keith Ellison a Truther?

    Speaking to an audience of atheists and 9/11 conspiracy nuts, Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison compared the 9/11 terror attacks to the Reichstag fire, in a talking point straight out of the Troofer “movement:” Atheists applaud Ellison’s views on Cheney, Libby, 9/11.

    We now have a sitting Congressman openly making “Bush=Hitler” comparisons.

    And Ellison hinted broadly that he agrees with Truther conspiracy theories. He says he just can’t admit it for political reasons.

    [*SlantRight Editor: You need to this lgf article about Ellison being a "Truther." It is a reference to Ellison beliefs in conspiracy theories that the Bush Administration actually is responsible for 9/11 and blamed Islamofascist terrorists!]


Ellison Closer to Hitler than Bush
John R. Houk
© July 16, 2007

The truth about Keith Ellison
Powerline "About Us" Page

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