Here is a piece I found at the Hudson Institute. Some of you may have already read it for the article is a week old; however it explores an issue that brings the War on Terror closer to home.
Everybody knows that Hugo Chavez has been globally schmoozing with Communist Castro of Cuba and Islamofascist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. But what you do not know is that Chavez is cavorting with global terrorists that are the enemies of America.
I know it is the 21st century and the Monroe Doctrine you may have learned about in school may be difficult to live up to; however it was difficult to live up to when it was formulated by President Monroe. Does anyone think early 19th century America was capable of keeping European Powers out of Latin America with out help?
The premise of the Monroe Doctrine needs reapplication in the 21st century, particularly as Chavez’s Anti-America doctrine is to overtly challenge America on the North and South American continents.
Am I being xenophobic? No! I am being an American that wishes to perpetuate the philosophy behind the Declaration of Independence and the Constitutional Bill of Rights. Chavez, Ahmadinejad and Islamofascist (or Islamist or whatever) terrorists represent an authoritarianism that is diametrically opposed to the Freedom and Liberty which represent American culture.
Europe has begged for American deliverance twice and America accepted the challenge. That negated the portion of the Monroe Doctrine to not meddle in European affairs. America’s National Interests are now intertwined with European decisions. The very existence of NATO is an example of that.
Nonetheless America needs to reassert the Monroe Doctrine as it applies to foreign military interventionism that affects American National Interests. In the 21st this reexamination must extend beyond European interventionism and include the potential of global conflict. This is especially the case of Islamofascist designs and agendas whether it a rogue nation or Stateless terrorists.
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