Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Shi’ite Twelvers, Chaos and the Mahdi

I cannot believe people are missing this! Ahmadinejad is a Shi'ite Twelver. The Twelver's are an extremist Mohammedans that believe if the world is pushed into a little chaos the lost hidden Imam of the past will return in the present as the MAHDI. The Mahdi will bring global Mohammedanism and defeat (for those of you who have not figured out what defeat means yet - KILL) the enemies of Allah (the false god of the false prophet Mohammed).
"Iran's president believes Allah has chosen him to prepare the world for the coming of an Islamic ‘savior’ called the Mahdi.

But before the Mahdi's return, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes there must be global chaos – even if he has to create it himself."

It is this Twelver mentality that is going to create a global war:
"All Muslims await the appearance of the Mahdi; the largest branch of Shiites, those known as Twelvers, await his return. To the majority of Shiites, the Mahdi was the last of the prophet Muhammad's true heirs, his 12 righteous descendants chosen by God to lead the faithful. The Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam, the Imam of Our Times, was born Muhammad ibn Hasan and went into hiding around 878. Shiites believe he maintained contact with representatives until 941, when all communication from him ceased. When the time is ripe, they teach, he will reappear and, along with Jesus, will lead Muslims in a struggle to rid the world of corruption and establish justice."

Hello! Wake up!

David Frum, an AEI Resident Fellow, has written an essay that connects the geo-political dots to Iran. He does not specifically relate to the death-cult beliefs, he merely points in confusion to the obvious source of global disruption - Iran. If Iran is behind the Middle Eastern chaos that is occurring, I guarantee TWELVER theology is behind it. Look out for the nuke and chemical WMD to begin to emerge to enlarge the chaos. Ahmadinejad is looking for the Mahdi.


Margaret said...

I've known about this for quite awhile and am glad to have found this agreeable post. I'll have to check up on your frequent blogposts to see if you caught the signifigance of the Iraqi battle 2 days ago. Where the media reported not radical Shiites or sectarian warmongers - but that a strange "cult" of Messianic Shiites were armed and planning to reign chaos in Southern Iraq.

Why in the world don't they know that Iran's nutjob is one of the same?

SlantRight 2.0 said...

I have been moving the last two days and I am not up on the current events; however I would wager those radical Shi'ites are Twelvers.

Anonymous said...

I believe the twelvers Imam was elected in the last election. He is destroying us from within. Our economy, security and hopes for the future.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Anonymous I feel your frustration; however I don't believe Barack Hussein Obama is the Twelver Imam envisioned by the Shi'ites.

I believe BHO is a committed Leftie with sympathies toward Muslims because of the way his childhood was encapsulated by Islam until he was dumped on his grandmother in his teen years.

Anonymous said...

please open your spiritial eyes and ears. The 12th mahdi will not be born of woman for he is Satan himself,who is being held in chains until the end which is near and is being pushed along and led by his children the Kenites ,the sons of Cain, the 1st murderer, who is the son of satan not Adam.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Actually 'Anonymous' old Satan is not in Chains until the beginning of the millennial reign of Christ.

Then old slew foot is released at the end of the thousand year millennial reign to test humanity one more time concerning obedience to God of Satan.

Anonymous said...

1) Isn't Ahmenijad's SON named MAHDI ?!

2) Doesn't this sound a bit like JOEL'S ARMY and the whole "let's immanentize the eschaton" thing ?

3) Didn't KHOMENEI HIMSELF outlaw the "twelvers" ?! That is what the guy Beck interviewed said...

4) Why is this NOT in the mainstream media ? Who is CENSORING this critical tidbit of information from the masses ???

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Anonymous, all Mainstream Media censoring about Islam is by design. The MSM by design self-loathes America, will protect Islam to undermine Christianity and and is hateful of all things involving American security.