The Archbishop of Canterbury somewhat plays the role of the Pope of Roman Catholic Church to global Anglicans. That would include the Episcopalian Church USA.
As I read this sermon/speech by the Archbishop I became very disconcerted. The Archbishop is not concerned on keeping the Anglican Communion together based on Biblical principle, for he explicitly believes that homosexuals are people that should be afforded the rights and privileges of normal people. This means the Archbishop does not view the homosexual lifestyle as sin and deviant behavior as defined by the Holy Bible.
The Archbishop's problem then is to put a used car salesman's spin on the situation to keep the family together. Basically he proposes variation of associations rather than direct links to Canterbury and each other as a point of unity. You see, the Anglicans outside of Europe are Bible believers and find homosexuality as deviant and sinful. The American ECUSA is divided and will probably split between liberal heretics and conservative Bible Believers.
An ECUSA congregation in Texas is preparing to make such a transition.
If you have been following this moral influence in America: Democracy and Divine Government, The Gay Episcopalian USA, Presbyterians (USA) and Episcopalians (USA) Should Form a Club, The Episcopalian Homosexual Compromise and Some Episcopalians Understand Biblical Morality.
Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Sermons and Speeches
27th June 2006
Click the ”Sermons and Speeches” link to read His Holiness [sic] the Archbishop of Canterbury lame attempt at unity while maintaining the acceptance of the sin of homosexuality.
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