Monday, July 31, 2006

Iran Pan-Islam Movement: Resistance is Futile

David Pryce-Jones has written an essay that alludes Revolutionary Iran has fostered a Pan-Arab nationalism more dangerous than anything the world has seen in the past from the Middle East. I agree with his premise, but he misses it on the “Pan-Arab” phrase. Iranians are not Arabs, nor do they speak Arabic. Iranians are what the West used to know as Persians and the language they speak is Farsi.

The Politically Correct phrase for what Iran has done is to foist a “Pan-Islam.” If you are many of my readers you know I prefer to term the death-cult as Mohammedanism: Those that follow the teachings and precepts initiated by a man known as Mohammed.

It is the Shi’ite Revolution perpetrated by the deceased Ayatollah Khomeini that toppled the Peacock Throne of the Shah that has emboldened Sunni and Shi’ite terrorists to hate everything Western and Israeli. It is this hate that wishes to confront and engage Israel and the West.

Who trained, funds and equips Hezbollah? If you answered Iran, you have paying been attention to the news. If you are answered local Mohammedans or local Shi'ites in Lebanon, you have been living an ethereal life of illusion.

If you understand that Iran pulls the puppet strings of Iran, you are aware that Hezbollah is a client terrorist organization at the beck and call of extremist Twelver Shi'ites that the Ayatollahs and Ahmadinejad represent. You will understand that their aim to destroy Israel is only the beginning of their agenda.

These nut cases want to bring on global chaos because they believe their Mahdi will emerge from hiding and force the world to embrace Mohammedanism or die. Their mindset is similar to the BORG of Star Trek lore: Resistance is Futile. The West can and will resist eventually, there is no way that such evil can overwhelm the earth. God is Good (not the demon allah).

The sooner those that are attempting diplomatic dialogue wake up to this agenda the quicker the pain of confronting Iran and Islamofascists will end. The longer that attempts are made at sucker diplomacy the longer the world will experience anguish as a psycho-gift from crazed Islamofascists.

Diplomacy is only a tool to find time to discover and execute strategy to eradicate Israel and Western thought from the planet. I do not wish to be the recipient of that gift, do you?

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