Saturday, July 15, 2006

CAIR Supports Somalia's New Islamofascism

ACAIR (Anti-CAIR) reports that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is highly supportive of the Taliban-like Islamofascism taking place in Somalia. This is the same organization in America that says Mohammedans are peaceful.

CAIR Vice-Chairman Ahman Al-Akhras writes of the Islamofascists currently ruling Somalia:
“What has happened in Somalia, for the majority of Somalis inside and those who are abroad, is a positive change." (CAIR)

Let us examine the "positive change" Al-Akhras speaks:

Failing to pray five times a day is now a death penalty offense.

Social mixing by men and women is forbidden.

Music, of any type, is banned.

Television viewing is no longer permitted.

Public lashing is now the norm for various violations of Sharia law.

These are just what ACAIR is reporting.

A June 27 report shows more barbarity is operating:
“In the capital, there have been more than 16 amputations – the punishment for theft – in that time, he [BBC’s Hassan Barise] says.

Islamic law is based on an eye for eye system of justice. Last month an Islamic court ordered a teenage boy to stab his father’s killer to death in public.” (
Awdal News Network. Republic Of Somaliland)

This is what CAIR views as positive! Friends CAIR has a Caliphate goal and that goal is contrary to the American life. Sharia Law is anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-Democratic and anti-American.

CAIR has teamed up with the ACLU to litigate many anti-Christian issues in America. I am all about freedom, however I am not about allowing the belief systems of the death-cult of Islamofascism remove my freedoms and tell me how to worship. Any Mohammedan that wishes to enforce Sharia Law in Western society is all about eliminating a generation of Western Cultural Liberty and Democracy.

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