Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Islamic Morality

I just read an article written by a man you might think was a Christian, Jewish or atheistic racist; however that is so far from the reality. Not only was Anwar Sheikh a former Mohammedan, he was of the typical violent strain of Mohammedanism. Anwar Sheikh wrote this article from first hand experience of the true nature of the death-cult known as Mohammedanism.

You need to read
Islamic Morality! Here is a glimpse:
When Islamic morality is judged by universal standards, this Arabian religion fails to qualify as the friend and guide of humanity. In fact, it constitutes a major threat to the survival of human race. I have no doubt that the Muslims will protest against this point of view, and as usual, will produce far- fetched and irrational evidence to prove that Islam advocates love and brotherhood of mankind. This type of sorcery has worked wonders for Muslim fundamentalists in the past, but with the dissemination of knowledge, it is difficult to cloud the truth with the magic of misinterprelation, marvel of mesmerisation and mysticism of meaninglessness.

Islam has become a set of fundamentals which preach social segregation, hatred of non-Muslims and elimination of dissenters through dominance, death and destruction. These conclusions, no matter how true, cannot be palatable to the Muslims and therefore rank as fabrications, from their standpoint. I can do no better than quote from the Koran to decide the issue. Examine the following for yourself:…

Here is a short biography about the author Anwar Sheikh:
Those who follow monsters such as Hitler or Muhammad, are not psychopath themselves, but they are fooled. They are victims of lies that they have been fed all their lives. But are they innocent? Anwar Sheikh murdered three innocent persons when he was a young Muslim. Is he innocent? He committed a crime. Of course he is not innocent. What he did was horrendous and inhuman. He is the first to admit it. Anwar Sheikh is a good example. Now that he has left Islam, he is a changed man. He is filled with remorse. Now he is writing books trying to help others to save their souls and leave Islam. He has managed to salvage his humanness. he is trying to mend the harm that he did when he was under the influence of Islam, the memory of which haunts him up to this day. (Bottom of web page)

I usually go to sources related to Mohammedanism that are criticism from the outside who have studied the Mohammedan religion academically. Anwar Sheikh studied and abandoned Mohammedanism when the light came on regarding its true nature. Forsaking Mohammedanism by those entangled by its belief system is something I thought until now was nearly impossible to accomplish.

Spread the word Anwar Sheikh!

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