Saturday, July 01, 2006

Prophecy About: "The Month of July"

I enjoy prophetic words from prophetic Christians. Among Christians the realm of prophecy is considered a fringe element by many. Am I a prophet? Nope, not all; however we live in a time in which prophecy is a significant thing. I am a huge believer in soon coming Parousia of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Then there is the mixing of politics and religion. A once unheard of practice in America, indeed the lack thereof is probably the primary reason that secular humanism has been able to dilute morality in America. Christians should not put their trust in politics for that is part of the system of this age. However, Christians need to be involved in politics as a standard bearer voice in a dark age. When Christ comes, He will take of the politics and King of kings and Lord of lords. Until that time Christians need to occupy to influence the political system with the Light of the Kingdom of God.

That is nature of the interest of this post that primarily flows from Will Ford and is backed up by Dutch Sheets. For your spiritual discernment here is a Word of Prophecy:

Dutch Sheets and Will Ford Prophecy About: The Month of July

Forward by Dutch Sheets:
My dear friend and brother, Will Ford, was given a very significant dream in January of this year. We have waited until now to release the dream and our interpretation because it concerns the month of July. Here it is in Will's own words.

[Dutch Sheets Dutch Sheets Ministries]

Basketball Court Dream
In January 2006, I had an important dream during the Samuel Alito judicial hearings for the Supreme Court. In the dream, I was playing in a marathon basketball game. The gym was dimly lit, with very little light on the court to see the basketball goal. Both teams were worn out from this raging battle as we engaged in this long, arduous basketball game. The game had been played for so long, the score was tied at "706." I was very sleepy and tired in the dream, and suddenly the ball was passed to me. I went to make a lay-up (which is an easy shot), but I was so tired, I only had enough strength to hit the bottom of the rim. I missed the shot, fell into a sleeping bag, and immediately went to sleep on the court. The dream ended.

Dream Interpretation
Because of prior references in other dreams, I knew that God was using the basketball court to symbolize the Supreme Court. The condition of the court battle in the dream, symbolizes where many feel we are right now.

We are in a raging battle on the courts of America. The court was dimly lit in the dream, which represents the prevailing dark influence, but also the penetration of some light that has come through prayer. The climate on the court will shift from dark to light if we continue to stay engaged in the fight.

Though the battle rages, and it seems we are playing in the dark, God wants us to trust Him, stay alert, and press in. We must walk by faith, not by sight, and with the light we have to stay focused on our goal: Justice for the unborn. It's not time to faint or sleep on the importance of this court battle. If we awake and fight, I believe God will shine His light on our court system and pierce the darkness of deception.

At first, I thought the marathon battle had to do with averting a filibuster (a marathon debate) in Sam Alito's judicial hearings. I then spoke to Dutch Sheets, who I believe God gave a key interpretation for the dream.

Dutch Sheets Adds His Dream Interpretation
Dutch affirmed that this dream represented the Supreme Court, but it wasn't about the Alito hearings being filibustered, but referred to another battle on the Supreme Court to come. What stood out to Dutch was the 706 in this dream. After a week of prayer, Dutch called me back and said, "Will, it could be that the '706' represents the 7th month of July, this year, '06".

Dutch has felt for some time, as have others, that another Justice will resign this summer. If this happens in July, and it is a liberal Justice who resigns, there will be a 4-4 tie on the Court. The Court would be tied at 7-06. If this occurs and President Bush has an opportunity to appoint a 3rd justice, it could turn into a raging, drawn-out marathon battle. Those resisting this Justice may try to drag out hearings until the midterm elections in order to vote-out the pro-life majority in the senate. This is an important aspect to cover in prayer.

Could it be that God wants to break the tie in July on the Supreme Court by appointing another judge to the Supreme Court? This could very well be the case.

July is an Active Month
Though this dream and Dutch's interpretation came in January of this year, other major secular news outlets have reported in recent months, that many feel another Justice may step down this summer. Most Justices announce this in July, to provide ample time for their replacement to come. You may recall the previous dream God gave me about the courts and Sandra Day O'Conner, who, after the dream, surprised many by announcing her retirement on July 1st of 2005.

Also, it turns out that Attorney Allen Parker, is filing briefings regarding the landmark abortion case "Doe v. Bolton" in July of 2006, instead of June, which he feels is better timing. Most people are not as familiar with this case, as they are with Roe v. Wade.

A dear intercessor and friend of mine from Dallas, had a dream where a woman named Sandra Cano, approached her in tears in the dream and said, "My case is coming before the Supreme Court, but no one is praying. Will you stand with me when my case comes to the dock (Supreme Court)?" Not knowing who Sandra Cano was, she later found out that Sandra Cano is the "Doe" in Doe v. Bolton! Sandra is a committed Christian, devoted to seeing the end of legalized abortion, and her case overturned.

Summer of Justice
Whether it is both of these issues, or all of them, beloved, this is the summer for Justice. Whether God shifts the court through another appointment, or shifts it through changing the mindsets of judges or both, we must awake and walk by faith, not by sight, and trust God in this raging battle.

Recently, after sharing this dream at a conference, Kirk Bennet gave me the following Scripture which I believe coincides with the "706" theme regarding the courts. It is Psalm 7:6, "Arise, O LORD, in your anger; rise up against the rage of my enemies. Awake, my God; decree justice."

In the same month we celebrate our nation's freedom, I believe God wants to set the stage for freedom to come to the next generation.

Can awakened intercessors awaken God to battle, and shift our courts once again? Yes, we can! However, we cannot allow opinion polls and other media clutter to darken our focus. Let's refocus on one of the major goals the Lord has for this President: Shifting the courts of this nation for the ending of abortion.

Many of us have grown weary, but let us show up for the battle and contend in prayer. God will exchange our weakness for His strength, and He will fight for us, (Isaiah 33:22).

This summer is key! We need to pray regarding decisions made on and off the court by our Justices this summer. We must continue praying until the prevailing influence shifts from darkness to light in the judicial system overall.

Basketball Court Above the Supreme Court
I was recently reminded that there is literally a basketball court above the chambers where the Supreme Court Justices meet. In this gym, there is a light that comes on to let them know when the court is in session, so they don't disturb the court proceedings below. The actual nickname for this court is,

"The highest court in the land."

This is an awesome reminder that spiritually, there is a court above the Supreme Court, but it is the Court of Heaven, where the Judge of the Universe and His Son, our Advocate, release justice on behalf of the saints!
May the light from His court, which is the Highest Court in the Land, break the power of the dark prevailing influence in our courts through our intercession. The cry of our hearts this summer must be "...Awake, my God, decree justice." (Psalm 7:6).

Will Ford
Will Ford Ministries

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