Sunday, July 16, 2006

Israel is to Blame Myth Busters

I am hearing and reading too much that Israel is going overboard in its response to attacks on its citizens. Frankly, Israel is still holding back. Israel should be mobilizing with a strategy to eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO. Israel should include in that strategy a punitive plan for Syria and Iran for aiding the murdering terrorists.

It is time for the West and America to put an end to this kind of moronic Islamofascist insanity. Israel is a Western style of government in a sea of despotic anti-Israeli Jew haters. Serious lessons need to be instructed until the instruction is remembered.

It sounds rough and hard and certainly politically incorrect but come on; when will liberals and Appeasers wake up?

Honest Reporting has an excellent piece on what is myth and what is TRUTH. I am linked to it via

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