Monday, July 24, 2006

The Shi’ite Terrorist in America’s Midst

I recently wrote on the American Tax Dollars being spent to rescue Hezbollah supporting Americans in Lebanon. These are the people that Steven Emerson is writing about. Dearborn, MI is a huge Mohammedan population center in America. Apparently it is the radical Shi'ite brand that is the most dominant of the Mohammedans living in Dearborn.

The FBI and the CIA have been aware of a Hezbollah connection with Al-Mabarrat Charitable Organization-USA Inc. for some time. Emerson reports the Shi’ite charity has gone through several name changes since its founding in 1991. Emerson also reports that the organization’s current website is down or inactive. All of this should give Americans pause for suspicion.

These are people who fund America's enemies on the War on Terrorism. Claiming to have American citizenship and sending money to causes that wish destruction on American allies and National Interests is darn close to treason.If Hezbollah is on the State Department's list of official global terrorists, then that makes Hezbollah America's enemy. So allow me to back up a step to re-word a statement. IF Americans support Hezbollah, then that is treason. If they are foreign born Americans, at the very least Americans supporting enemies should be stripped of their citizenship and deported. IF Americans by birth are supporting America's enemies they should be at the least be incarcerated.

Atlas Shrugs is even more pointed on Hezbollah in America.

Moreover, it is also interesting to consider in this context that
most Americans in Lebanon Are Hezbollah Supporters (funny, you never got that from the jihad media or that schmuck CNN poster boy Anderson Cooper reporting from Cypress so that he could meet the American muslims evacuating Lebanon for America. I sincerely hope people are seriously vetted);

There was a battle cry in 1776: The British are coming, the British are coming.

There should be a battle cry in 2006: the Islamofascists are coming, the Islamofascists are coming.

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