So let’s presume all the above is true. Would that make Barack Hussein ineligible to be President of the USA? I mean I am no constitutional expert but I thought the qualifications was to be at least age 35 and American citizen born from at least one American parent. If I am wrong in that understanding someone point me to the constitutional law that is specific.
I am guessing Berg believes that a person has to be born on USA soil to qualify to be elected President.
So here’s the deal: Berg’s law suit was dismissed in Federal Court. Judge Surrick ruled Berg lacked standing to bring such a law suit because he was just a mere citizen of the USA. The implication a special citizen in government such as a Congressman or Executive Department are the only ones eligible to bring such a suit.
Now I think Berg’s law suit is frivolous thinking the Courts would rule anything against BHO; however Judge Surrick’s ruling restricts the typical U.S. citizen from questioning the legitimacy of a candidate for President questioning his citizenship.
If the Judge just would have did his job to rule on the law suits merits and decide to continue or not continue it is quite likely BHO would have been certified that his mommy was an American citizen. So what if it was discovered BHO was born in Kenya rather than in Hawaii. Mommy was an American citizen.
Now this is creepy. Jack (the traitor) Murtha is out of touch with his own district and deserves to loose to William Russell who Murtha calls a carpetbagger. Why a carpetbagger? Because Russell while on active duty was stationed in Virginia. After retirement Russell moved his family to Pennsylvania where he was once stationed. This has Marine hater Murtha believe that Russell is a carpetbagger.
I am confidant that many readers are already enlightened of how the L.A. Times is being a typical Mainstream Media (MSM) supporter of Barack Hussein Obama by elaborating on a story they released (probably regrettably now) in which BHO is schmoozing with Terrorists (domestic and Palestinian) which included anti-Semitic and anti-Israel words.
I first heard about it on Fox News this morning on the Fox and Friends broadcast. The topic of discussion concerned the thought that the L.A. Times was so pro-Obama that they would not release a video of the party in which BHO notably praised Rashid Khalidi.
Since many that read this blog are fully aware that I am not exactly a friend the theo-political aspects of the religion of Mohammedanism (Islam to its adherents and PC academics), you are probably thinking “There he goes again.”
I am certain the PC crowd can appreciate that Yasser Arafat was a heinous murdering Palestinian-Arab terrorist who did more to exploit his fellow Arabs than to aid them. Check it out! Rashid Khalidi was a former mouthpiece for Yasser Arafat. That means he mouthed the Islamofascist dream of destroying Israel and the Mohammedan version of the “Final Solution.”
The American voting public has a right to know just how much of a liar Barack Hussein Obama is. The Times has said it cannot release the video because of a promise to the confidential source that delivered the tape.
Since it is obvious that the MSM is pro-Obama no matter the cost it should give voters pause to ponder:
1. Did the Times really make a promise to a confidential source?
2. If the Times made such a promise about withholding the video from public scrutiny, for the sake of balanced news coverage (as opposed to news coverage meant to influence) why has the Times NOT provided a transcript of the video?
3. Is the Times so pro-Obama that the rag WILL NOT write about the specific content without releasing the video or a transcript? Writing editorially about the content would not breach the confidentiality of the source.
The McCain camp should do the very thing the MSM is reluctant to do. Daily bring attention to voters that the L.A. Times is hiding information that might be damaging to Barack Hussein Obama. I mean the MSM had no problem in trying to find dirt or creating dirt that was not there on Governor Palin. It is time for Conservatives to take upon the job of investigative reporting that the MSM is TOTALLY unwilling to do concerning BHO.
Rep Jack Murtha (D. PA) has been lauded as a respectable and knowledgeable Congressman pertaining to military affairs in Congress. Murtha has even touted a war hero record that included Purple Hurts indicating he was wounded while serving America in Vietnam.
The thing is though that Murtha has come out STRONG against the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) in Iraq. This astounding stand that HAS BEEN (emphasis on “has been”) touted by what many believed to be a Democratic Party friend of the Military started many a conservative to look into Murtha’s public credentials.
As the self-proclaimed war hero in the Senate (John Kerry), apparently there is also some murky lack of transparency of Murtha’s war record in Vietnam. Typically the Left has stood by their man Murtha as they did Kerry by calling the questioning of Murtha’s record as Conservative Swift Boating. As if the Swift Boat vets were discredited. They were NOT. Ironically comes out on the side of validating Kerry’s version of his medals; however fails to use substantiated materials. In stead utilizes eyewitness accounts favorable toward Kerry while the Swift Boat Vets utilize eyewitness accounts unfavorable to Kerry. The Kerry paper trail is enigmatically dubious, yet Kerry’s post war antics of the anti-American anti-war Left of the Sixties and Seventies (Hmm … Wasn’t Bill Ayers in that crowd as well?).
Here is another mystery for the Murtha proclaimed “racists” and “rednecks” of his district should consider on Election Day: Jack Murtha was involved in one the worst Congressional scandals of American history – ABSCAM. I am not even going to mention Murtha’s cut-n-run opinion about the GWOT being fought in Iraq; however Murtha has come out as a political scum in denigrating the very Marine Corps he served in by reckless announcing to the press that a group of Marines slaughtered a number of Iraqi civilians at Haditha. The Murtha accusation became dubbed by the Leftist MSM as the Haditha Massacre. It should have been labeled the Haditha Incident, because every Marine has been exonerated except one who still faces his day in Military Court.
Rep. Jack Murtha does not deserve the incumbent shoe-in. Murtha deserves to loose to his challenger William Russell.
The Pennsylvania Murtha/Russell campaign is heating up as the polls indicate that voters are finally becoming enlightened to the kind of anti-American, anti-Military, cut-n-run crook that Murtha is.
Here are some details from an email promotional from Move America Forward Freedom PAC looking for dough to aid William Russell in the tightening race: GO TO THE END OF THIS POST AT TO READ THE MAFFPAC EMAIL.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still on the Eternal Throne. Israel’s Shas Party has refused to join Tzipi Livni (protégé of corrupt out going Prime Minister Ehud Olmert) in forming a Kadima led government.
According to Israeli polls, Binyamin Netanyahu of Likud will handily be the majority Party after the next Israeli election.
Due to the Parliamentary system in Israel Ehud Olmert is still actually the Prime Minister until elections can sort out a Party coalition probably under Likud’s leadership rather Olmert/Livni’s Kadima leadership. Christian Zionists (and I do mean that endearingly) and religious Jews can only pray that the Knesset can prevent the deluded Olmert (under the direction of the Bush Administration) from splitting Jerusalem between Israel and Israel’s mortal enemy – Arabs that call themselves Palestinians (Mohammedans).
We know how Barack Hussein Obama feels about Bible believing Christians:
"they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." – Chicago Sun-Times.
I know voters are concerned about the economy. I am a Bible believing Christian and I am more concerned that BHO will use a Leftist activist Judiciary to nullify the freedom of Bible believing Christians; specifically the First Amendment, the Second Amendment and America’s foundation of Christian heritage.
Pay close attention to this YouTube video that was shared with me by the American Family Association. Honor God and vote Christian Values and America’s economy will turn around as blessed by God Almighty.
Many critics of the Reagan “peace through strength” doctrine claim the USSR was in route to a collapse regardless of Reagan military growth. This is Leftist revisionism not taking into account that peace through strength may have prevented a Soviet Union act of desperation utilizing nuclear threats or launches in an effort to even the super power playing field.
Barack Hussein Obama’s strategy of giving up everything plus the kitchen sink will turn America into a paper tiger ripe for the Islamofascist Crescent to slash the paper in future attacks.
Here are some excerpts from a MAF Freedom Pac email sent out to alert America of the BHO intent to gut our Military:
Just as the Taliban and other American-hating Jihadists are staging new attacks on America and her allies, liberals in Congress want to cut the United States’ military by another 25 percent. This is outrageous and will put the United States at high risk for another 9/11.Rep. Barney Frank, (D-Mass.) wants to give more money to food stamps and cut military spending by 25 percent. Read about this outrageous proposal here."We'll have to raise taxes ultimately. Not now, but eventually," Frank told the Standard Times.“In the middle of a war on two fronts, Barack Obama plans to gut the military. He also wants to dismantle our nuclear arsenal. And he wants to keep you in the dark about it,” according to Investor's Business Daily.
MAF Freedom PAC has been throughout the country fighting for pro-troop candidates. Liberals have HUGE warchests, and they want total control of the presidency, House and Senate so they can raise taxes and decimate our military.
Can you imagine the nightmare of Obama as Commander in Chief with an anti-military Congress to rubber stamp his leftist policies? Even a McCain presidency will need a cooperative Congress.Ronald Reagan just proved that PEACE through STRENTH works! Yet, we have the potential of electing a Congress that believes WEAKNESS will make our enemies love us and end threats against us. How naïve? They are no different than the nuclear freeze crazies during the Reagan era who thought the way to defeat communism was to submit!We cannot submit to radical Islamic terrorism, which is exactly what we will end up doing if we don’t keep up our military strength. If he is elected and the Democrats increase their numbers in Congress, the Barney Frank liberals will take us back to the days when our military was devastated and Osama bin Laden took advantage of our weaknesses to attack on Sept. 11, 2001.
Obama and a larger liberal Congress will be downright dangerous to America’s security. Join MAF-PAC as we fight through the last days of this important election.
Note the link to Investor’s Net Daily. This is where you want to go to read some specifics of how BHO lies. He tells his fellow traveler Leftists that he will gut the American Military, yet at nearly all Mainstream Media (MSM) BHO talks about how if elected President he will be tough on terrorism seeking to kill Osama Bin Laden if the opportunity arises. HELLO! If BHO keeps his promise to his fellow travelers he cannot keep his promise to the American voters about being tough on terrorism. The two promises are diametrically opposed to each other.
WOW! I am certain by now anyone that is half way paying to the Presidential race 2008 is aware of the McCain camp (and more so my fellow Slanted Right writers) saying that Bill Ayers has had a highly influential connection to Barack Hussein Obama.
BHO has brilliantly attempted to fool voters (with the heinous collusion of a pro-Obama Mainstream Media) that he barely known Bill Ayers. I say brilliant because voters are so sold on BHO that his poll numbers have been consistently higher than John McCain’s numbers. I have to reiterate that polls are deceptive for there seem to be as many polls showing nearly double digits in a BHO poll lead while other polls show a mere single digit lead. The incredible point though is the Barack Hussein Obama according to the polls is in the lead.
Now I can understand Leftist voters being gaw-gaw for BHO, after all Leftists are made from the same Left (Communist/Marxist/Socialist) political DNA. I can understand that the stalwart Slanted Right voters are against BHO.
What I cannot understand is how America’s centrist and undecided are leaning toward a Barack Hussein Obama Presidency!
BHO has pulled off one of the greatest character flim-flams in American political history (to date).
I believe I have discovered one of the most definitive blog posts on Bill Ayers. Ayers condemns (or hypes if you are a Leftist) himself in his own words as a murdering Communist bent on the delusion of overthrowing the U.S. government and exterminating Americans who did not tow the fantastical new Communist government line. The number I read was a willingness to kill over 25 million Americans.
I am going to cross post this at the best that I can. I write “the best that I can” because the post has numerous scanned copies of Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn’s published American-Terrorist Communist Manifesto entitled Prairie Fire. To view the actual scans GO THERE.JRH 10/25/08 (Hat tip NetRight Nation) *************************** [SlantRight Editor: Because of the Uncertainty of how long will be operational, I am doing a copy and pasted of the article I cross posted there. 3/2/12]
William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire
William Ayers is a communist. But don't take my word for it. He said so himself:
We are a guerilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years.
And not some nicey-nice peace-and-love kind of communist. Through his
group the Weather Underground, Ayers was planning to "seize power" in a
violent communist takeover of the United States:
We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead
the struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and
build the new society.
The quotes above were scanned directly from a now long-forgotten book entitled Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism,
which was written and published in 1974 by William Ayers, Bernardine
Dohrn and other members of the Weather Underground. In this slim volume,
which functioned as the Weather Underground's ideological manifesto,
Ayers declares himself to be a communist, and announces that his group's
bombing campaign was intended to start a violent revolution to
overthrow the American government.
After a long search, I was lucky enough to finally get my hands on a copy of the original edition of Prairie Fire,
which is now extremely rare and hard to find. It was written in secret
while Ayers and his fellow Weather Underground members were still in
hiding and on the run, and still actively engaging in bombings and other
violent acts.
This essay features many high-resolution scans of quotes and entire pages taken directly from Prairie Fire, which journalists, bloggers and other media members are free to copy and re-post. [SlantRight Editor: Go to to view the scans.]
If you're interested only in viewing or downloading the scans taken from Prairie Fire,
scroll down this page to see a large selection of shocking quotations
which you can use as you see fit. My introductory explanation below
simply provides context and elucidates why the text of Prairie Fire is so significant at this very moment in history.
So far in 2008, there has been almost no mention of this manifesto and
its insurrectionary goals. It seems as if the media, William Ayers,
Barack Obama and his supporters don't want you to know about Prairie Fire. Which is exactly why you need to see it.
How Is This Relevant to the 2008 Presidential Campaign?
There's nothing illegal about being a communist. People in this country
are free to hold whatever political beliefs they so choose. I don't know
William Ayers, I've never met him (that I'm aware of), and I have
nothing against him personally.
This essay only exists to correct and unequivocably debunk claims
routinely made by the mainstream media over the last few weeks about
William Ayers, his beliefs, and the purpose behind his bombing campaign
during the 1970s.
Specifically, when questions arose during the 2008 presidential race
about Barack Obama's past associations with William Ayers, many media
reports and articles blandly described Ayers as a "Vietnam-era radical"
and the Weather Underground as a group that set bombs "to protest
against the Vietnam War." Both of these characterizations are
demonstrably inaccurate.
Furthermore: Obama and his supporters at first claimed he barely knew
who Ayers was, but when public awareness of the connections between
Obama and Ayers became too numerous and too strong to deny, Obama's
supporters have now begun resorting to a fallback position: that William
Ayers wasn't such a bad guy after all, and that it is no shame to be
associated with him. The now-standard talking points are:
• Ayers was simply protesting against the Vietnam War, and a lot of
people protested against the Vietnam War back then, so there's no shame
in that.
• Ayers was never actually convicted of setting any bombs or killing
anyone, so there's no real proof that he ever did anything wrong.
• Ayers is now a respected, mainstream, mild-mannered and popular
professor, so obviously his political views couldn't have been that
This essay disproves all of these claims. The text that William Ayers authored in Prairie Fire, and the additional documentary links provided below, prove that:
• Ayers was not simply protesting "against" the Vietnam War. Firstly, he wasn't against war in principle, he was agitating for the victory of the communist forces in Vietnam. In other words: He wasn't against the war, he was against our side in the war. This is spelled out in great detail in Prairie Fire.
Secondly, and more significantly, the Vietnam War was only one of many
issues cited by the Weather Undergound as the justifications for their
violent acts. As you will see below, in various quotes from Prairie Fire and in their own list of their violent actions (and in additional impartial documentary links), Ayers
and the Weather Underground enumerated dozens of different grievances
as the rationales for their bombings -- their overarching goal being to
inspire a violent mass uprising against the United States government in
order to establish a communist "dictatorship of the proletariat," in
Ayers' own words.
• Ayers and his co-authors freely brag about their bombings and other
violent and illegal acts, and even provide a detailed list, most likely
typed up by Ayers himself, of the crimes they had committed up to that
point. Ayers' list, scanned directly from Prairie Fire, is shown
below. He may have escaped conviction due to a legal technicality (the
prosecutors failed to get a warrant during some of their surveillance of
the Weather Underground), but this in no way means that Ayers was factually innocent of the crimes.
As has been widely reported, after the case against him was dropped,
Ayers decribed himself as "guilty as hell, free as a bird."
• Just because Ayers tries to appear respectable now doesn't mean that
he wasn't a violent revolutionary in the past. In fact, as the text of Prairie Fire
shows, Ayers was one of the most extreme extremists in American
political history. And as the links given as the end of this essay will
prove, Ayers is just as politically radical now as he was back then. He
has never renounced the political views he professed in the 1960s and
1970s. The only difference is that now he no longer commits violence to
achieve his goals. After his stint as the leader of the Weather
Underground, he shifted to a different tactic: to spread his ideology
under the aegis of academia. But the goal remains the same: to turn
America into a communist nation. Ayers' contemporary writings contain
many of the same ideas (and even the same phrases) found in Prairie Fire, just toned down to make them more palatable in polite society.
But Where Is the Obama Connection?
This essay is only about William Ayers' past and present political views. It is not about the connection between Barack Obama and William Ayers.
That issue has been covered (and continues to be covered) elsewhere in
innumerable news reports and blog postings. Yet as evidence mounts of
the extensive and long-standing connection between Obama and Ayers,
making their association more and more difficult to deny, Obama's
campaign and supporters have started shifting their strategy; Sure, they say, Obama
may have had a connection with Ayers, but why is that so bad? Look at
William Ayers now: He's a completely respectable man. What -- he
protested against the Vietnam War? So did everyone. He's no extremist. I see these arguments made in countless blog posts, comment sections, and even news articles. This essay exists to stop that political escape route.
There's no getting around it: William Ayers was a violent communist
revolutionary bent on overthrowing the government and "seizing power" in
the United States. The proof is on this page. And the only
difference between the 1970s William Ayers and the William Ayers with
whom Barack Obama has associated is that Ayers no longer uses violence
to achieve his goals. But Ayers' underlying political world-view (i.e. communism) has remained the same.
For the record, and just to be complete, here are links documenting some of Obama's many connections to William Ayers:
How do we know that William Ayers himself co-authored Prairie Fire? Doesn't the cover say it's by The Weather Underground as a group, and doesn't mention him specifically?
Well, it's simple enough to prove. Because in the introduction, the four
actual authors sign their names -- Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, Billy
Ayers, and Celia Sojourn:
… be constant change, that the only possibilities are victory or death.
We have only begun. At this time, the unity and consolidation of
anti-imperialist forces around a revolutionary program is an urgent and
present strategic necessity. PRAIRIE FIRE is offered as a contribution
to this unity of action and purpose. Now it is in your hands.
Bernadine Dohrn
Jeff Jones
Billy Ayers
Celia Sojourn
For the Weather Underground
Of course, in true communist spirit, earlier in the Introduction they
mention that the book grew out of "study groups," "conversations" and
"struggles" of the entire Weather Underground, but the four members
listed above are the ones who actually sat down and wrote the
manuscript. And of those four, "Billy" Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were
the most educated and literate, and were the acknowledged leaders of the
group, so it's almost certain they did the bulk of the writing.
(Especially considering, as I'll show below, the similarities between
ideas in Prairie Fire and contemporary writings by William Ayers.)
The rest of this essay consists primarily of scanned pages taken directly from an actual physical copy of Prairie Fire
printed in 1974. As you will notice, the production quality was fairly
crude, with some pages being typewritten (possibly by William Ayers or
Bernardine Dohrn themselves) with others typeset in varying fonts, and
then printed somewhat inconsistently with different densities in
different sections of the book. While this may have lent Prairie Fire
an air of outlaw authenticity when it first was distributed, it looks
rather odd and irregular in the era of computers and modern typography. I
only mention this detail here to explain why the various scanned pages
and quotes seen below look different from each other.
PLEASE NOTE: For each of the full-size scanned pages displayed below,
if you click on the image, your browser will open a new window showing a
high-resolution version of the scan. I provide the hi-res scans as proof that this evidence is real, and in case anyone wants to inspect the text in more detail.
The individual quoted lines scanned below are already high-resolution,
so there is no need to click on them. In a few instances, the quoted
sentences start or end in the middle of a line; in those cases, I only
display the relevant quote in question; I do not include the text on the
remaining portions of the lines.
Underneath each scanned image is a transcription of some (or all) of the
text shown, to make things easier for bloggers and journalists to copy
and paste the sections which interest them.
(The full book is over 150 pages long, so I necessarily can only present
a small selection of pages here. But nearly every paragraph on every
page throughout the entire manuscript is jam-packed with the exact same
kind of communist/socialist/revolutionary verbiage you see here. If you
want to see more, or if you simply want to confirm that all of this is
true, I encourage you to seek out your own copy of Prairie Fire; a few copies can still be found in major libraries and through rare book dealers.)
Below the scanned images is a final section providing quotes, links,
videos and documentation proving that William Ayers maintained his
political beliefs essentially unchanged throughout the '80s, '90s and
2000s, during which time he was accepted into the upper echelons of
Chicago society, mingling and working with academics, activists and
politicians -- including Barack Obama.
Page 16: The Weather Underground's own list of their terrorist bombings and other crimes
On page 16 of Prairie Fire, Ayers and his fellow co-authors brag
about their numerous acts of domestic terrorism, and provide a handy
list detailing not only each crime but in most cases the justification
for each crime as well. Note an important detail: Most of the stated
rationales for the Weather Underground's violent acts have nothing
whatsoever to do with Vietnam. This disproves the ubiquitous media
assertion that Ayers and the Weather Underground were "Vietnam War
Also note Wikipedia's list of Weather Underground actions
that provides additional details regarding their putative
justifications, including bombing a bank "in solidarity with striking
Puerto Rican cement workers" and bombing a federal office building due
to "the need for women to take control of daycare, healthcare, birth
control and other aspects of women's daily lives," among many others
which make no mention of Vietnam. Also note that the bombings and other
violent acts continued after Prairie Fire was published, and that all the Weather Underground "actions" in 1974 and '75 happened after
the United States had already pulled its ground troops out of Vietnam
and was no longer an active combatant in the ground war, which would
have rendered any Vietnam War protests pretty much meaningless.
For the record, to prove beyond any doubt that this is real, click on
the small image below to see a high-resolution scan of the entirety of
page 16 in full context, including the edges of the book cover, the
crease in the center of the book, and so on: PICTURE HERE.
Page 10: The Start of the Chapter 1
The main body of Prairie Fire begins on page 10, after various
introductory pages. The following four scanned images are all short
quotes taken from page 10. Below each quote is a transcription of the
text. The final image of this section shows all these quotes in context
in the book on page 10 itself.
We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years.
Here is the same quote repeated again, this time with additional context, in the form of the subsequent two sentences:
We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women
and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. We
are deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle
against U.S. imperialism.
Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put
pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody
functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle,
to attack from the inside.
The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war.
Revolutionary war will be complicated and protracted. It includes mass
struggle and clandestine struggle, peaceful and violent, political and
economic, cultural and military, where all forms are developed in
harmony with the armed struggle.
Without mass struggle there can be no revolution.
Without armed struggle there can be no victory.
The following scan shows the full two-page spread of pages 10 and 11.
Page 11, as you can see, is a picture of Che Guevara. A full
transciption of the text is below the image.
The unique and fundamental condition of this time is the decline of U.S.
imperialism. Our society is in social and economic crisis and
assumptions about the U.S. are turned on their heads. These are hard
conditions to live through. But they are favorable for the people and
for revolution.
These conditions of constant change demand the weapon of theory. Like
people everywhere, we are analyzing how to bring to life the potential
forces which can destroy U.S. imperialism.
We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men,
underground in the United States for more than four years. We are deeply
affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against
U.S. imperialism.
Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put
pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody
functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle,
to attack from the inside.
Our intention is to engage the enemy, to wear away at him, to harass
him, to isolate him, to expose every weakness, to pounce, to reveal his
Our intention is to encourage the people, to provoke leaps in confidence
and consciousness, to stir the imagination, to popularize power, to
agitate, to organize, to join in every way possible the people's
day-to-day struggles.
Our intention is to forge an underground, a clandestine political
organization engaged in every form of struggle, protected from the eyes
and weapons of the state, a base against repression, to accumulate
lessons, experience and constant practice, a base from which to attack.
The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of
socialism is revolutionary war. Revolution is the most powerful resource
of the people. To wait, to not prepare people for the fight, is to
seriously mislead about what kind of fierce struggle lies ahead.
Revolutionary war will be complicated and protracted. It includes mass
struggle and clandestine struggle, peaceful and violent, political and
economic, cultural and military, where all forms are developed in
harmony with the armed struggle.
Without mass struggle there can be no revolution.
Without armed struggle there can be no victory.
It will not be immediate, for the enemy is entrenched and intractable. It will require lengthy, deliberate political and armed
The Introduction
The following four scanned images are all short quotes taken from Prairie Fire's
typewritten introduction. Below each quote is a transcription of the
text. The final image of this section shows all these quotes in context
in the full introduction to the book.
May 9, 1974
Sisters and brothers,
Here is PRAIRIE FIRE, our political ideology - a strategy for anti-imperialism and revolution inside the imperial US.
We undertook this analysis to explain the changes in US and world
conditions since the Vietnam ceasefire and to evaluate the consequences
of the Vietnamese victory.
We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the struggle,
give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and build the new
PRAIRIE FIRE is written to communist-minded revolutionaries, independent organizers and anti-imperialists
The following scan shows the full two-page spread of the introduction,
outlining the Weather Undergound's revolutionary communism, their goal
of overthrowing the capitalist system, and ending with the names of the
authors -- including "Billy" Ayers. Remember: Click on the image if you
want to see a high-resolution version.
May 9, 1974
Sisters and brothers,
Here is PRAIRIE FIRE, our political ideology - a strategy for
anti-imperialism and revolution inside the imperial US. It comes out of
our own practice of the last five years and reflects a diversity of
experiences. This paper is not the product of one or two people, nor
even a small handful of us. Rather PRAIRIE FIRE represents the politics
and collective efforts of an organization. It has been the focus of our
study groups and our political education. It has been chewed on and
shaped in countless conversations, struggles and written pages. It has
travelled around the country, growing, developing thru the attempt to
understand the shape of world forces and the revolutionary possibilities
before us. The paper was rewritten four times and collectively adopted
as the political statement of the Weather Underground. The twelve-month
process of writing PRAIRIE FIRE, squeezed between on-going work and
practice and action, has now reached a kind of end-point. A cycle is
We undertook this analysis to explain the changes in US and world
conditions since the Vietnam ceasefire and to evaluate the consequences
of the Vietnamese victory. We have come some distance in evaluating the
political situation, the priorities for revolutionary work since we
began this writing. Now many more revolutionaries will need to shape and
change the paper. The politics cannot be realized unless and until the
content of the program is activated in thousands of situations, among
thousands of people in the coming period. PRAIRIE FIRE will be a growing
We hope the paper opens a dialectic among those in the mass and
clandestine movements; we hope people will take PRAIRIE FIRE as
seriously as we do, study the content and write and publish their views
of the paper as well as their analysis of their own practice. We will
respond as best we can.
Our movement urgently needs a concrete analysis of the particular
conditions of our time and place. We need strategy. We need to battle
for a correct ideology and win people over. In this way we create the
conditions for the development of a successful revolutionary movement
and party. We need a revolutionary communist party in order to lead the
struggle, give coherence and direction to the fight, seize power and
build the new society. Getting from here to there is a process of coming
together in a disciplined way around ideology and strategy, developing
an analysis of our real conditions, mobilizing a base among the US
people, building principled relationships to Third World struggle, and
accumulating practice in struggle against US imperialism.
PRAIRIE FIRE is written to communist-minded revolutionaries, independent
organizers and anti-imperialists; those who carry the traditions and
lessons of the struggles of the last decade, those who join in the
struggles of today. PRAIRIE FIRE is written to all sisters and brothers
who are engaged in armed struggle against the enemy. It is written to
prisoners, women's groups, collectives, study groups, workers'
organizing committees, communes, GI organizers, consciousness-raising
groups, veterans, community groups and revolutionaries of all kinds; to
all who will read, criticize and bring its content to life in practice.
It is written as an argument against those who oppose action and hold
back the struggle.
PRAIRIE FIRE is based on a belief that the duty of a revolutionary is to
make the revolution. This is not an abstraction. It means that
revolutionaries must make a profound commitment to the future of
humanity, apply our limited knowledge and experience to understand an
ever-changing situation, organize the masses of people and build the
fight. It means that struggle and risk and hard work and adversity will
become our way of life, that the only certainty will be constant change,
that the only possibilities are victory or death.
We have only begun. At this time, the unity and consolidation of
anti-imperialist forces around a revolutionary program is an urgent and
pressing strategic necessity. PRAIRIE FIRE is offered as a contribution
to this unity of action and purpose. Now it is in your hands.
Bernardine Dohrn
Jeff Jones
Billy Ayers
Celia Sojourn
For the Weather Underground
Dedicated to Sirhan Sirhan (among others)
The following snippet is taken from the book's dedication page, and
shows that the Weather Underground dedicated the book to Robert F.
Kennedy's killer Sirhan Sirhan, among many other now-obscure '60s-era
radicals, criminals and revolutionaries:
As an aside: Note how, on the copyright page, the authors state that the
public is "free to utilize the material" in the book "for political
debate and study." That is exactly how it is being used in this essay,
though I think it's not quite the kind of debate that William Ayers
originally had in mind! Also note that my reproduction of their
material, as per their instructions, is true and accurate, and that I am
not "profiteering" from it because this site has no ads and does not
generate any income whatsoever.
Page 40: Strategies for Revolution
Page 40 of the manuscript
is typical: It outlines the Weather Underground's strategies for
overthrowing the United States. Among the many strategies are: eliminating
the feeling of patriotism among the general public, destroying the
government from within, and starting a mass insurrection among the lower
classes. The three scanned quotes are followed by a full page 40 with them in context:
Our job is to tap the discontent seething in many sectors
of the population, to find allies everywhere people are hungry or
angry, to mobilize poor and working people against imperialism.
We have an urgent responsibility: to destroy imperialism from within in
order to help free the world and ourselves from its grasp.
Our final goal is the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power,
and the creation of socialism. Our strategy for this stage of the
struggle is to organize the oppressed people of the imperial nation
itself to join with the colonies in the attack on imperialism. This
process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves the defeat of
all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this is a precondition
to our fight for socialism.
Page 41: The Definition of Socialism
Ever since the word "socialism" was brought up in the campaign by "Joe
the Plumber," to whom Obama said he intends to "spread the wealth
around," there has been much discussion among pundits about what the
word "socialism" really means, and whether or not it's a bad thing.
Well, William Ayers had his own definition of socialism, which he spelled out on page 41 of Prairie Fire. Because it's relevant to current events, let's look at what the word "socialism" meant to left-wingers not too long ago:
Socialism is the total opposite of
capitalism/imperialism. It is the rejection of empire and white
supremacy. Socialism is the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie, the
establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the
eradication of the social system based on profit. Socialism means
control of the productive forces for the good of the whole community
instead of the few who live on hilltops and in mansions. Socialism means
priorities based on human need instead of corporate greed. Socialism
creates the conditions for a decent and creative quality of life for
Page 13: Vietnam Is Only One Aspect of the Global Communist Revolution
Page 13 discusses how the Vietnam War is only one component of the
overall drive for worldwide communism. The following quotes speak for
We made the choice to become a guerrilla organization at a
time when the Vietnamese were fighting a heroic people's war, defeating
half a million troops and the most technologically advanced military
power. In our own hemisphere Che Guevara urged that we "create two,
three, many Vietnams," to destroy U.S. imperialism by cutting it off in
the Third World tentacle by tentacle, and opening another front within
the U.S. itself. At home, the struggle and insurrection of the Black
liberation movement heightened our commitment to fight alongside the
determined enemies of the empire.
This defined our international responsibility and our duty as white
revolutionaries inside the oppressor nation. We are part of a wave of
revolution sparked by the Black liberation struggle, by the death of Che
in Bolivia in 1967, and by people's war in Vietnam.
Revolution is a fight by the people for power. It is a changing of power
in which existing social and economic relationships are turned upside
down. It is a fight for who runs things, in particular, for control by
the people of what we communists call the means of production
Page 128: Views on Israel, the Palestinians and Mideast Oil
The following quote is taken from page 128, from the portion of Prairie Fire
having to do with the Middle East. I include it here to show the
amazing consistency of the radical left-wing view of the area -- the
issues and arguments remain almost unchanged from 1974 to today: ending
Zionism, no "war for oil," stopping U.S. support for Israel, etc. Aside
from a few current events details, this exact same text could have
appeared in any contemporary left-wing essay about the Middle East. This
shows that what once was a radical communist view has now become
[SlantRight Editor: Read ALL of page 128 to view the quote is referring to.]
Ayers' Current Views
At the beginning of this essay, I wrote that William Ayers is a
communist. And while I certainly have shown that he was a communist, has
he changed his stripes since 1974? Has he ever renounced the ideologies
he embraced in Prairie Fire (and elsewhere)?
In short: No. He still maintains the same belief systems. To this day,
he sticks to the exact same phraseologies to describe his unchanged
political philosophy.
This section explores William Ayers' current beliefs about communist
ideology. And why is this relevant? Because if he believed it in 1974,
and still believes it in 2008, then he almost certainly continued to
believe it in 1995-2006, the period during which Barack Obama had his
associations with Ayers. There is no evidence whatsoever that Ayers went
through some "right-wing phase" (which would have been totally out of
character) nor had any diminuation of his political fervor. As far as
anyone can tell, and according to Ayers himself, he has had a consistent
and unchanged philosphy from the 1960s up until the present.
What this means is that William Ayers was a communist when Barack Obama associated with him.
On April 12, 2002, Ayers said during an interview with a college radio station:
I considered myself partly an anarchist then and
consider myself partly an anarchist now. I mean I'm as much an anarchist
as I am a Marxist.... I'm very open about what I think and nobody here is surprised by what I think.
Is one of those regrets that I took extreme measures against the United
States at a time of tremendous crisis? No it is not. I don't regret
that. The people of the world are being exploited and oppressed and
militarized by the great imperialist powers, led by the United States.
That is the situation today in my view.
And I'm not sorry about anything that I participated to try to end that war or against that government that was waging that war.
As the video notes, Obama was working directly with Ayers within days of
this interview being given -- and for years prior and afterward.
Continuing in the same video, Ayers gave a TV interview in January of
2004 in which he hits on some of the exact same themes and uses some of
the same phraseology he used in Prairie Fire:
If we were being fair and open-minded, then if you looked
around at the world today, you would say the greatest purveyor of of
violence, as King said, is our own government. ...
White supremacy and racism continues to be the dagger point of American
democracy. I do believe that. I believed it then, I believe it now.
In Prairie Fire, one can find many references to the United
States government promoting violence, to white supremacy, and to racism.
It's quite obvious nothing has changed in Ayers' philosophy.
Next, let's turn to Bill Ayers' own personal blog, where he posts his own writings.
We were anti-authoritarian, anti-orthodoxy, communist street fighters.
I want to embrace...draft resisters, deserters, tax avoiders...
If we know we hope to achieve a democratic and socialist world, a culture of life and love, our strategy and tactics are informed by filling that vision out on the ground...
I went to Camp Casey in August precisely because I'm an agnostic about how and where the rebellion will break out, but I know I want to be there and I know it will break out...
Opposing aggressive war is always urgent, but for revolutionaries we need to both be fully activated in the opposition...
What more need be said?
On November 7, 2006 Ayers posted this essay on his blog
describing his visit to a conference in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela -- an
essay which sounds like it could be a missing chapter from Prairie Fire, and which Ayers concludes by shouting "Viva Presidente Chavez!"
And just a few months ago on June 28, 2008, Ayers describes himself in this posting on his blog as a "socialist" when it comes to economic policy.
All of this is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. To this day,
nearly every word that Ayers utters and every sentence that he writes
hews to the exact same communist line. You can easily find hundreds more
examples yourself just by browsing through his blog or simply by
Googling his name and searching for his writings and speeches, almost
all of which still revolve around notions promulgated in Prairie Fire.
William Ayers is a communist. By his own description. He was a
communist then, he is a communist now, and he was a communist for the
entire time that Barack Obama worked with him and was associated with
Meanwhile, the North Vietnamese communists, whom William Ayers was
glorifying and praising, themselves imprisoned and tortured for over
five years a young pilot by the name of John McCain. Here's a newly
discovered video of McCain taken in January of 1968
as he lay injured in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war hospital
shortly after his capture. What's heart-rending about it is that he does
not yet know that he will spend the next five years being tortured by
William Ayers' comrades:
Undercover agent Larry Grathwohl, who had infiltrated and joined the
Weather Underground, described their post-revolution governing plans for
the United States in this video taken from the 1982 documentary "No
Place to Hide." The Weather Underground openly discussed exterminating
25 million Americans who refused to be "re-educated" into communism.
Here's a transcript of his interview:
I bought up the subject of what's going to happen after
we take over the government. We, we become responsible, then, for
administrating, you know, 250 million people.
And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics; how are you going to clothe and feed these people.
The only thing that I could get, was that they expected that the Cubans
and the North Vietnamese and Chinese and the Russians would all want to
occupy different portions of the United States.
They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to
protect against what they called the counter-revolution. And they felt
that this counter-revolution could best be guarded against by creating
and establishing re-education centers in the southwest, where we would
take all the people who needed to be re-educated into the new way of
thinking and teach them... how things were going to be.
I asked, well, what's going to happen to those people that we can't
re-educate; that are die-hard capitalists. And the reply was that they'd
have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further, they estimated
that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these
re-education centers. And when I say eliminate, I mean kill. 25 million
I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which
have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational
centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of
25 million people.
And they were dead serious."
-- Larry Grathwohl, former member of the Weather Underground
Ann Coulter uses her classic wit to denounce the Mainstream Media for looking the other way concerning a huge list of bad apples in Barack Hussein Obama’s cart while making mountains out of mole hills in Governor Sarah Palin’s backyard.
We the People (Political Colombo Mystery Chain E-Mail Humor)
Ah . . . Sorry to bother you Mr. Obama, Sir. . .
Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean Senator Obama, Sir. Um . . . I know you're busy, and important and stuff. I mean running for president is very important and -- ah -- I hate to bother you Sir. I will only take a minute. Ok, Sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering, Sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? Is that painting real? Really? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once!
Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't mean to get off the track. So if you could just help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island Sir? No? I didn't think so.
Well, listen, anyway, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be 'Not released' or 'Not available.' I'm sure it's just an oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are -- I -- I have them written down here somewhere -- oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you please help me find these things Sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- 'Not available'
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- Not available
8. Your Illinois State Senate records -- Not available
9. Law practice client list -- Not released
10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
12. Record of your baptism -- Not available
Oh and one more thing Senator, I can't seem to find any articles you published as editor of the Harvard Law Review, or as a Professor at the University of Chicago. Can you explain that to me Sir?
Oh but, hey -- listen! I know you're busy! If this is too much for you right now -- I mean -- tell you what. I'll come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, You know? I mean, I know you're busy. I'll just let myself out. I'll be back tomorrow. And maybe the day after. . .
What's that Senator? Who wants to know these things?
We the People of the United States of America. You know, the ones that vote...
Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Barack Hussein Obama. BHO whole political career is based on the Chicago good 'ole boy Leftist politics of the Democratic Party. Palin represents true change in standing up to both big oil and to Republicans of her own Party.
Barack Hussein Obama has pooh-poohed and deflected his past associations as irrelevant. Of course that is mere Leftist double-speak for "don't look into my life; it might diminish your outlook of the new messiah." NOW one of those horrible associations is Michelle Obama.
The African Press International (API) alleges that Michelle Obama phoned them to complain they were using a racist source in their coverage of the American election campaign for President. That accused racist is Jerome Corsi who wrote a controversial exposé on Barack Hussein Obama.
The API says it recorded the Michelle Obama conversation. Evidently the contents of the recording are hot because the Obama Campaign denies it ever took place. The API says it is reluctant to release the recording to the public until their legal team examines any potential legal blow back on API.
Unless the API releases the recording it is all valueless speculation of she said/he said. WorldNetDaily believes if the recording is released, it would be a game ender for the Obama Campaign. Personally I don’t know about that. The Messianic proportions that Barack Hussein Obama has acquired among his supporters will undoubtedly make the revealing of truth as irrelevant. Yet the few Independents not affected by BHO’s political Messianism may switch to McCain. The question would be: Is that enough to sway the election to McCain’s favor.
At any rate: no recording means there is no controversy for Barack and Michelle Obama.
The odd thing is there may be some truth to her statement even though it was presented in a racist light. And frankly whether BHO is an African-American or an Arab-American is truly irrelevant. What should be relevant to Americans is BHO’s Leftist and anti-Christian moral stands he has taken. Americans should be concerned with BHO’s past associations in that he has gone out of his way to lie or cover-up the truth about those past associations. That makes BHO a liar. A liar is a person YOU should not trust.
The blogger JudgeBob has been following this MSM and Leftist hypocrisy. JudgeBob has a number of videos to prove his point the MSM and the Left are a bunch of thugs more interested in squelching the free speech opinion of their opposition than acting like mature Americans that can make their position felt in a less polarizing (which BHO says he stands for) like voting or writing a reasoned letter to an MSM editor.