Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Fort Dix Six

The homeland instruments utilized in the War on Terror successfully prevented the “Fort Dix Six” from going on a murderous rampage aimed at the American military.

These radical Islamofascists were all foreign born; however one was a naturalized citizen, two were legal permanent residents and three were illegal aliens.

I know it sounds harsh but no Constitutional Rights should be afforded illegal aliens, particularly in the case of committing murder in the name of radical Islam. The other three have a status should embrace Constitutional Rights and due process of law. The three illegal aliens should be treated as combatants without a nation; i.e. POW’s without even the Geneva Conventions granted to them.

Do the illegal alien radical Islamists come from nation that is at war with America? NO! They represent an organization with zero official ties to any government in the world. That means no one signed the Geneva Conventions that represent these murderers. We have a POW camp for such ugly cowards, it is called Guantanamo.

The article I read from CBS News sets forth facts but as at reads towards the end it slants to gaining sympathy for Indigenous Mohammedans. HELLO! The Fort Dix Six lived in America for quite some time among Indigenous Mohammedans. Do you think a Mohammedan informed on them?

In court documents, prosecutors said the suspects came to the attention of authorities in January 2006 when a Mount Laurel, N.J., shopkeeper alerted the FBI about a "disturbing" video he had been asked to copy onto a DVD. (CBS NEWS)

I may be wrong; however when the slanted left CBS News uses the word “shopkeeper” instead of identifying the hero, I suspect it is a non-Mohammedan that does not wish to meet a violent demise by the followers of the Religion of Peace. If I am wrong I apologize now, for it is possible a Mohammedan shopkeeper may also fear for his life. The shopkeeper deserves kudos either way it turns out.

I will update the info when I find who the shopkeeper is; the CBS News story is the first I have read.

The point though is this: The Mohammedans were long time residents planning a long term attack. The War on Terror is real and it still is affecting the American Homeland.

Unlike what Mohammedan attorney claims, this has everything to do with religion.

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