The Six Day War between Israel and hate filled Arab nations in 1967 culminated with a Jewish victory after being attacked. The important outcome of the victory was that Jerusalem was no longer a divided city; Israel had won the City of David from hateful Mohammedans.
It has always been a wonder to me as to why Israel did not immediately control the land Al-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock were located. Those blaspheming pieces of architecture were built smack dab on the location of the holiest site to the Jewish people – the Holy Temple first built by Solomon, rebuilt by Zerubbabel and beautified by Herod.
If Israel had immediately taken control of the management of the Temple Mount at worst there would be no difference in hostilities today and at best the beginning of yet another restored Jewish Temple. Now it would be difficult to impossible to establish management of the Temple Mount. The Arabs have convinced the West that those Mosques are in the realm of Mohammedan holiness as Mecca and Medina. Israel would have to deal with the public outrage of Western Lefties and Mohammedan faithful.
The only way that Israel could fully control the Temple Mount today is if yet another invasion by the surrounding Arab and Mohammedan nations transpired to once again obliterate Israel. Then I hope (pending an Israeli victory) someone in the Israeli government will do something to satisfy the heritage of observant Jews and expectant Christians.
One last thing: It boggles my mind that Western nations that are the cradle of Christianity do not recognize the city of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capitol city. Not even the United States of America maintains their Ambassador in Jerusalem. This is a cruel snub in the face of constant Arabic and Mohammedan attacks through the years.
I pray that peace be upon Jerusalem the City of David and Capitol of the returning King Jesus (Father I pray in Jesus' Name). Yeah I know, the “King Jesus” part is not exactly the same Jewish expectation, yet the Temple Mount under Jewish control is a united Evangelical Christian and Observant Jewish goal.
It has always been a wonder to me as to why Israel did not immediately control the land Al-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock were located. Those blaspheming pieces of architecture were built smack dab on the location of the holiest site to the Jewish people – the Holy Temple first built by Solomon, rebuilt by Zerubbabel and beautified by Herod.
If Israel had immediately taken control of the management of the Temple Mount at worst there would be no difference in hostilities today and at best the beginning of yet another restored Jewish Temple. Now it would be difficult to impossible to establish management of the Temple Mount. The Arabs have convinced the West that those Mosques are in the realm of Mohammedan holiness as Mecca and Medina. Israel would have to deal with the public outrage of Western Lefties and Mohammedan faithful.
The only way that Israel could fully control the Temple Mount today is if yet another invasion by the surrounding Arab and Mohammedan nations transpired to once again obliterate Israel. Then I hope (pending an Israeli victory) someone in the Israeli government will do something to satisfy the heritage of observant Jews and expectant Christians.
One last thing: It boggles my mind that Western nations that are the cradle of Christianity do not recognize the city of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capitol city. Not even the United States of America maintains their Ambassador in Jerusalem. This is a cruel snub in the face of constant Arabic and Mohammedan attacks through the years.
I pray that peace be upon Jerusalem the City of David and Capitol of the returning King Jesus (Father I pray in Jesus' Name). Yeah I know, the “King Jesus” part is not exactly the same Jewish expectation, yet the Temple Mount under Jewish control is a united Evangelical Christian and Observant Jewish goal.
zzzZZzz...so boring website
Get a Life killing a jew...
Well it seems radical Islamists have discovered that I expose their ideology as not a religion of peace but as racist hate mongering terrorists that are such cowards that they post comments as “anonymous.”
I love it! In their pursuit to offend me they reveal the truth about their inherent nature of Islamofascist evil. I leave most of their comments up to demonstrate that evil among radical Mohammedans.
This is an example of the coward “anonymous” posting a comment here at “The True Peace of Jerusalem.”
The cowardice is in the fear to reveal his/her name because the proponents of fear are fearful of discovery. That is why Islamofascists murder, run and hide.
I crossed posted this comment as a post at SlantRight.
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