The Winograd Findings have stirred the political hornets nest. The Kadima Party of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is whispering about damage control behind closed doors yet publicly is standing behind Olmert. Olmert has vowed not to resign; ergo if Olmert leaves as Prime Minister it will be by kicking and screaming in an Israeli election in which Israeli voters will decide.
Heavy condemnation has been has been hurled at Defense Minister Amir Peretz and disgraced former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz. I suspect if Olmert manages to survive he will have to make Peretz and Halutz the scapegoat. Halutz is already gone. What will be Peretz’s future?
Special Knesset Session to Discuss Winograd Findings
(IsraelNN.com) Three opposition factions, United Torah Judaism, Likud, and National Union- National Religious Party, have requested a special Knesset session to discuss the Winograd Committee’s Interim Report. The request, delivered to the Speaker of the Knesset, is expected to be honored later this week.
The freshly published report harshly criticized Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, and former Chief of General Staff Dan Halutz for their actions during the Second Lebanon War.
When the sharks begin circling in a Parliamentary democracy as Israel, trouble is at hand. In all likelihood the other political parties will band together in a no confidence vote forcing national elections in Israel.
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