I have been hammering on H.R. 1592 that would give to Left Wing bureaucrats and authorities to intimidate or jail Christians for Free Speech; i.e. if the House Bill went through the Senate and found the President’s desk.
The President has promised to veto any such legislation.
Thanks to a friend forwarding an e-newsletter from Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), I have discovered the Lefties in Congress have proposed legislation to undermine the Supreme Court’s judicial decision that eliminates partial birth abortion. The legislation is called the Freedom of Choice Act.
“Freedom of Choice” is Pro-Choice feminist double-speak for murdering babies in a woman’s womb. Pro-Choicers have desensitized themselves by adopting medical terms for babies that have not been born with the word “fetus.”
The word “fetus” gives anti-Christian moralists the mindset that an unborn baby is merely an internal organ like the heart or the brain.
Jay Sekulow reports that the President of the United States has assured him he would veto such legislation if it (also) came by his desk.
Here is the ACLJ petition that is adding power to the voice of the Right. SIGN IT!
The President has promised to veto any such legislation.
Thanks to a friend forwarding an e-newsletter from Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), I have discovered the Lefties in Congress have proposed legislation to undermine the Supreme Court’s judicial decision that eliminates partial birth abortion. The legislation is called the Freedom of Choice Act.
“Freedom of Choice” is Pro-Choice feminist double-speak for murdering babies in a woman’s womb. Pro-Choicers have desensitized themselves by adopting medical terms for babies that have not been born with the word “fetus.”
The word “fetus” gives anti-Christian moralists the mindset that an unborn baby is merely an internal organ like the heart or the brain.
Jay Sekulow reports that the President of the United States has assured him he would veto such legislation if it (also) came by his desk.
Here is the ACLJ petition that is adding power to the voice of the Right. SIGN IT!
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