Jerry Golden is a Messianic Jew (i.e. a Christian Jew that practices Judaism and recognizes Jesus Christ as the Messiah). He has a ministry to help incoming Jews get settled in Israel.
Golden is also a great source of the Slanted Right political attitudes that exist in Israel. I don’t always agree with Golden; however reading his newsletter enables Americans to get a feel for how Israelis view their American ally. It is not always complimentary and often times it is for good reason.
Golden is also a great source of the Slanted Right political attitudes that exist in Israel. I don’t always agree with Golden; however reading his newsletter enables Americans to get a feel for how Israelis view their American ally. It is not always complimentary and often times it is for good reason.
As it really is!
Posted: Friday, May 04, 2007 - written by jerry golden
The Golden Report
Once again I want to reiterate that Israel has never been faced with such a threat to its very existence. With Leadership unable to see anything but their political future in danger and not caring about what is best for the State. The most recent curse on Israel was the second horrible gift given to us by Ariel Sharon, the Kadima Party, first was the Disengagement from Gaza. But there is a third and he has a name Ehud Olmert, and this third and present curse has himself given us a defeat at the hands of a Terrorist Party that has now encouraged our Arab neighbors to believe that they can now destroy the once thought to be unbeatable IDF. As you are reading this Syria is massing their army on our northern border along the Golan Heights. It is also good to remember that Syria and Iran have a pack to go to war together against the Zionist State.
While I am reiterating why not say this again as well, before Bush went to war he made a deal with the Arab world that if they will sit still he would deliver Israel into their hands, he has been doing his dead level best to do that with the Road Map to Hell. Yesterday Condoleezza Rice met with the Syrian Foreign Minister at Sharm e-Sheikh, Egypt. Think about that for a minute, this is one of the axes of evil that the Bush administration would not meet with because they supported terrorists. If you will allow me I want to carry this a step or two further, I have always believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that they were all moved into Syria, in fact I believe that Bush knows that, what I can’t understand is why he has not opening said so. There were a few high ranking Iraqi officials who defected to the US right after the war that even told the locations of these weapons in Syria, and how convoys of trucks traveled for days into Syria carrying those weapons. So my question would be if Bush isn‘t part of the EU and UN plot to destroy Israel along with the Arab world, then why at this time knowing the above is Rice speaking with the Syrian Foreign Minister in Egypt of all places?
Last night over 200,000 of us Israelis gathered in Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv to demand that the failure Olmert GO HOME and that will not be the last such rally, for many more are planned. He has a “0” approval rating and still refuses to step down, what is even more disturbing is the MK’s in the Kadima and Labor Parties who know what they have brought on this country with their Disengagement and last summer’s Lebanon war will also not step down and call for new elections when they know that the over whelming majority of Israel is demanding it. All of this is simply showing that the idea of democracy in Israel is now dead and the only way for it to be resurrected is for the people to continue to demand their resignations and call for new elections.
But new elections bring with it a set of new problems here in Israel it would seem that the Likud (the party I’ve always been with) is now once again headed by Netanyahu, he says he has learnt his lessons and is now ready to lead the country. I will be the first to admit that he is the best of the possibilities we now have, but that does not mean that we here in Israel have forgotten his performance of the past when he gave away the second most Holy City in Israel Hebron and to add to the insult he also gave them Bethlehem and was about to give them Jericho but was forced out of office. I like many others have not forgotten that he was in favor of the Gaza Disengagement one day and against it the next and then for it back and forth seeming to go with the polls from one day to the next.
We here in Israel don’t vote for a man, we vote for a Party and that Party designates who will be the Prime Minister and often times it is not the best man in that Party but the most popular one. For example in the Likud there is such a man who has never taken bribes, has never been corrupted and has always stood for the Zionist State of Israel regardless of how unpopular it may have been, his name is Uzi Landau, but Uzi doesn’t have much of a chance of being elected by his Party (Likud) to be the Prime Minister because he is labeled a rebel. So Netanyahu it will be, and all I can say is God help us. But even Netanyahu is a major improvement over the present failure that now sits in that office. I know that Netanyahu is a very popular Israeli leader among most evangelical Christians but they know little of the inside working of Israeli politics and I feel that he cannot be trusted.
So when you put all the above together it draws a very disturbing picture. One thing is almost certain we are about to go into a terrible war, this time with an enemy who has missiles that can reach every part of Israel and known to be armed with chemical and biological warheads. It would seem that the only way that Syria can now be stopped is by a nuclear bomb on Damascus (Isa. 17:1). The longer Israel sits still under the leadership of Olmert our enemies are getting stronger by the day as they frantically prepare for war. The UN has turned a blind eye and many cases assisted Iran’s rearmament of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Russia has supplied all the missiles Syria needs, and the US has made Egypt a military might in the region. Simply put we are surrounded as many are saying by a sea of Arabs threatening once again to destroy us. And in the meantime among us live the so-called “Palestinians” who have been teaching their children from kinder garden through college that their greatest honor is to kill Jews for Allah. Daily we have been shelled from the Gaza Strip into our southern cities and not once has the international community said anything about this act of aggression against out civilian populations, we are in trouble and if we don’t take care of ourselves we are doomed, lest God sends us a miracle.
There is a good ending for us who know God and love Him, for He will continue to bring His chosen back to the land promised to them as an everlasting covenant. God has called us to prepare to rescue Jews who will be fleeing Europe soon, running for their lives and we are about preparing with your help. I am asking God today to speak into your heart and spirit what He would have you do.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel, and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden
Once again I want to reiterate that Israel has never been faced with such a threat to its very existence. With Leadership unable to see anything but their political future in danger and not caring about what is best for the State. The most recent curse on Israel was the second horrible gift given to us by Ariel Sharon, the Kadima Party, first was the Disengagement from Gaza. But there is a third and he has a name Ehud Olmert, and this third and present curse has himself given us a defeat at the hands of a Terrorist Party that has now encouraged our Arab neighbors to believe that they can now destroy the once thought to be unbeatable IDF. As you are reading this Syria is massing their army on our northern border along the Golan Heights. It is also good to remember that Syria and Iran have a pack to go to war together against the Zionist State.
While I am reiterating why not say this again as well, before Bush went to war he made a deal with the Arab world that if they will sit still he would deliver Israel into their hands, he has been doing his dead level best to do that with the Road Map to Hell. Yesterday Condoleezza Rice met with the Syrian Foreign Minister at Sharm e-Sheikh, Egypt. Think about that for a minute, this is one of the axes of evil that the Bush administration would not meet with because they supported terrorists. If you will allow me I want to carry this a step or two further, I have always believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that they were all moved into Syria, in fact I believe that Bush knows that, what I can’t understand is why he has not opening said so. There were a few high ranking Iraqi officials who defected to the US right after the war that even told the locations of these weapons in Syria, and how convoys of trucks traveled for days into Syria carrying those weapons. So my question would be if Bush isn‘t part of the EU and UN plot to destroy Israel along with the Arab world, then why at this time knowing the above is Rice speaking with the Syrian Foreign Minister in Egypt of all places?
Last night over 200,000 of us Israelis gathered in Rabin Square in Tel-Aviv to demand that the failure Olmert GO HOME and that will not be the last such rally, for many more are planned. He has a “0” approval rating and still refuses to step down, what is even more disturbing is the MK’s in the Kadima and Labor Parties who know what they have brought on this country with their Disengagement and last summer’s Lebanon war will also not step down and call for new elections when they know that the over whelming majority of Israel is demanding it. All of this is simply showing that the idea of democracy in Israel is now dead and the only way for it to be resurrected is for the people to continue to demand their resignations and call for new elections.
But new elections bring with it a set of new problems here in Israel it would seem that the Likud (the party I’ve always been with) is now once again headed by Netanyahu, he says he has learnt his lessons and is now ready to lead the country. I will be the first to admit that he is the best of the possibilities we now have, but that does not mean that we here in Israel have forgotten his performance of the past when he gave away the second most Holy City in Israel Hebron and to add to the insult he also gave them Bethlehem and was about to give them Jericho but was forced out of office. I like many others have not forgotten that he was in favor of the Gaza Disengagement one day and against it the next and then for it back and forth seeming to go with the polls from one day to the next.
We here in Israel don’t vote for a man, we vote for a Party and that Party designates who will be the Prime Minister and often times it is not the best man in that Party but the most popular one. For example in the Likud there is such a man who has never taken bribes, has never been corrupted and has always stood for the Zionist State of Israel regardless of how unpopular it may have been, his name is Uzi Landau, but Uzi doesn’t have much of a chance of being elected by his Party (Likud) to be the Prime Minister because he is labeled a rebel. So Netanyahu it will be, and all I can say is God help us. But even Netanyahu is a major improvement over the present failure that now sits in that office. I know that Netanyahu is a very popular Israeli leader among most evangelical Christians but they know little of the inside working of Israeli politics and I feel that he cannot be trusted.
So when you put all the above together it draws a very disturbing picture. One thing is almost certain we are about to go into a terrible war, this time with an enemy who has missiles that can reach every part of Israel and known to be armed with chemical and biological warheads. It would seem that the only way that Syria can now be stopped is by a nuclear bomb on Damascus (Isa. 17:1). The longer Israel sits still under the leadership of Olmert our enemies are getting stronger by the day as they frantically prepare for war. The UN has turned a blind eye and many cases assisted Iran’s rearmament of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Russia has supplied all the missiles Syria needs, and the US has made Egypt a military might in the region. Simply put we are surrounded as many are saying by a sea of Arabs threatening once again to destroy us. And in the meantime among us live the so-called “Palestinians” who have been teaching their children from kinder garden through college that their greatest honor is to kill Jews for Allah. Daily we have been shelled from the Gaza Strip into our southern cities and not once has the international community said anything about this act of aggression against out civilian populations, we are in trouble and if we don’t take care of ourselves we are doomed, lest God sends us a miracle.
There is a good ending for us who know God and love Him, for He will continue to bring His chosen back to the land promised to them as an everlasting covenant. God has called us to prepare to rescue Jews who will be fleeing Europe soon, running for their lives and we are about preparing with your help. I am asking God today to speak into your heart and spirit what He would have you do.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for our son Joel, and all the IDF soldiers. Pray for this Ministry and your part in it. Shalom, jerry golden
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