Thursday, May 10, 2007

Are the Democrats Selling Israel Out?

Could the Democratic Party be the delusional group Chamberlain of the 21st century? Democrats galore (past, present and future) have been living an illusion that talks with Syria can solve Middle Eastern conflict between a little slice of land Biblically known as Israel and the surrounding Mohammedans (with volumes of land).

I personally think American Democrats became emboldened by the military management disaster of Prime Minister Olmert’s Israeli government. Syria and Iran saw that a terrorist organization like client Hezbollah could put a dent in Israeli invincibility. I sense the Democrats believe buddying up with rogue Mohammedan nations that say peace out one side of the mouth and obliterate Israel out the other side of their mouth will increase America’s geopolitical stature with Middle Eastern Mohammedans.

Hitler lied about “peace in our time” to British Prime Minister Chamberlain in 1938 at the
Munich Agreement. That Nazi agreement was a sell out of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany under the pretext a few Germans lived in a Czechoslovakian region known as Sudetenland. Hitler told Chamberlain all Germanic people deserve to be one nation.

Sound familiar? Mohammedans hate Israel because the land (and I am talking minuscule land) abandoned by Arabs was rejuvenated by Jews following the vision of Zionism: the return to the ancestral land of Israel. Arabs peasants were displaced not by Jews but by wealthy Arab land owners that sold land to immigrating Jews (
How did land ownership traditionally work in Palestine and when did it change?).

What was critical to all who depended on agriculture was the quantity of produce. The state claimed its taxes, the landowner sought a part of the yield as rent, and the peasant wanted his share to support himself and his family, and to pay portions of what seemed endless debts. Any factor that interrupted the growing or harvesting process was in some measure economically harmful. There seemed to be an unending stream of causes which hindered agricultural production and prevented rural solvency in Palestine. These conspired together to hamper development.

The purpose of this essay is to identify and explain those factors which influenced the rural economy's evolution, and to indicate how Palestine's rural population faired during the: emerging Arab-Zionist struggle to control the country's political future.
Palestine’s Rural Economy, 1917-1939)

Many pro-Arab/Palestinian groups have stretched the facts to paint a picture of an Arab population already present and working a successful agrarian economy. It is true that the circumstances were not as dire as Right Wing Zionism would have history believe; nonetheless the agrarian situation was way less than perfect.

Once Jews began to buy land so wealthy Arabs could make a profit (Keep in mind these wealthy Arabs were the ruling elite) the economy of the land began to change from subsistent Arab peasantry to profitable Jewish owned agriculture which Arab former peasants became employees.

Once the land was rejuvenated Jews needed workers for the fields and Arabs migrated back. As it became clear
the Jews wanted to establish a sovereign nation, the Arabs that moved to then called Palestine did not want to cohabitate under a Jewish sovereign State. The reasoning is that Mohammedans consider themselves superior to all other religions and could not be in a nation established for Jews. And so the internecine terrorism broke out between Zionist Jews and Arabs that benefited from the establishment of a prosperous market economy of Jews. It is ironic a significant amount of these Jews were more secular than religious and were Left leaning socialists, thus the emergence of Kibbutzim (Commune-like projects operated in a socialist manner).

It should be noted immigrant Jews brought with them Western technology and Western no-how, thus the economy became booming. At least half the so-called
Palestinian/Arab population considered indigenous was immigrants themselves from other Mohammedan locations. These Mohammedans were attracted to the potential of higher earnings of wages.

There is my rant on Arab/Jewish demographics.

I went through all that that appearances are lining up that the American Democratic Party is siding up with Mohammedans intending the demise of Jewish Israel and who consider America enemies.
Could the Democrats be selling out Israel to the enemy for oil?

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