The Democratic controlled Congress is proposing legislation that will give rights to America’s terrorist enemies as if they are criminal suspects as opposed to being enemy combatants’ intent on destroying America. This is the same Political Party utilizing political double speak offering amnesty to an estimated twelve million illegal aliens in America. This is the same Political Party that will make it easy for an estimated forty million Latinos to enter America and transform the political scene in America.
Here is the problem that polarizes in America; viz., the Democrats refuse to acknowledge there is a War on Terror.
Definitely rules of criminal law are far different than the rules of war.
And what is most terrible is that America's terrorist enemy is not a sovereign nation. The enemy is stateless terrorists that have not signed nor intend to honor the Geneva Conventions. Yet Democrats and global Leftists expect America to abide by the rules of the Geneva Convention with an enemy that has not signed the conventions and indeed cannot for the Islamofascist enemy is not a sovereign nation.
Is appeasement and political correctness so ingrained into Western thought patterns that there is no comprehension that there is an enemy that intends to end our way of existence? I can understand this moronic thinking in European society in which morality is totally subdued to Secular Humanism; a Secular Humanism that looks to be so egalitarian that there is a termination of Western Standards to equalize culture with intolerant foreigners. I am specifically speaking of Mohammedanism.
But in America! The thought is Liberty and Justice for all according a standard rule of Law, i.e. the United States Constitution. The U.S. Constitution owes its philosophy to Western philosophical heritage and to Judeo-Christianity. Until the Democrats and Secular Humanists began making their move in the 1960’s, all immigrants were expected to assimilate to the American way of life. Americans are not expected to be a land of multiple diversity in there are divergent cultural fiefdoms afforded a laws to themselves apart from ONE RULE OF LAW.
Thus Left Wing Democrats are also proposing civil rights to Stateless prisoners of war who had been attacking American soldiers and military. Is this nut wing thinking or what?

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