Saturday, May 12, 2007

What Follows H.R. 1592? H.R. 2015

Wow! Shortly on the heals of the Democratic Party attack on Christianity with H.R. 1592, the Democrats further wish to degenerate morality in America with H.R 2015.

Whereas H.R. 1592 affords Leftists the opportunity to prosecute as hate crimes and hate speech an individual or group that stands behind the morality Judeo/Christian tenets of faith; H.R. 2015 takes the next stab at faith by
forcing businessman of faith to hire or not fire moral deviants as homosexuals, cross dressing transvestites, transgender individuals and so on.

The Bill is sponsored by openly homosexual Representative Frank Barney (D. MA – of course) and a Republican in name only (RINO) Representative Deborah Pryce (OH) and many other
U.S. Reps willing to support fringe morality.

H.R. 1592 and H.R. 2015 will enable thought police to harass Christians at home, Church and now on the job. The Bill would mainstream sexually oriented deviants (according to the Bible) equal employment rights at places where there presence would be offensive and repulsive. This is more evidence of the Democratic Party’s agenda to terminate faith based morality in America and replace it with a Secular Humanist morality. Secular Humanism filters morality through principles of relativity thus attributing morality based on Leftist moral sterility that measures morality according to what is moral relative based on statistics that ignores faith as an anachronism from the past.

Secular Humanism’s agenda is to propagandize America into believing faith in God is a mythology comparable to Greek and Roman Mythology that also has influenced the development of Western culture. In effect Secular Humanism has become a religion of humanity disguised in the nomenclature secular terms and thoughts.

The Secular Humanist propaganda machine has taken the next step from educational brainwashing to using the Democratic Party to legislate its tenets and belief system as the religion of the land. Secular Humanism is using the back door to circumvent the Constitution by defining their religion as secular and non-religious. By doing this Secular Humanism has by-passed the First Amendment and has established a State Religion by disguising the Humanism as secular.

The Established Religion of Secular Humanism then can make the tenets of faith of openly Biblical Believers as matters of the rule of law. The effect is making various portions of the bible “Hate Speech” and to follow those portions by not associating with Biblically defined sexual deviants on the job market as a “Hate Crime.”

The Employment non-Discrimination Act of 2007 (H.R. 2015) is an overt attack on faith. People of faith must arise politically and write the Congressman to vociferously protest this anti-Christian legislation.

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