Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Who is Syria and Iran’s Fool?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sponsors terrorism and his wishes for Syria's role in the Middle East are fundamentally at odds with the West, Barry Rubin writes. Give him an inch in negotiations and he'll take a mile. (Canada.com)

What is so complicated about holding rogue nations accountable for actions that destabilize peace? Until recently the Middle Eastern rogue nations militarily were mere popcorn (some doused in oil) nation only capable of making the sounds of many little pops. It was only through nations that have or have been military powers that these popcorn rogues had military weapons. Now due to the fear of the loss of oil Western nations are allowing rogue Iran to become a nuclear power with the capability to do something more than a little a pop. Iran is moving toward a thermal nuclear BOOM.

there is Syria: A rogue nation that is geographically smack in the middle of active Islamofascist terrorists without sovereignty. Syria has basically become a rogue sovereign nation client of Iran. Syria’s Baathist Party functions similar to Saddam’s Baathist Party. Saddam’s minority Sunnis ruled Iraq’s majority Shi’ites with brutality. Assad’s minority Alawite Mohammedan sect rules the majority Sunni sect in Syria. Alawites are somewhat cousins to the Shi’ites of Iran except they go beyond the reverence of Mohammed’s cousin Ali as the legitimate heir of Mohammed, they have deified Ali.

Assad’s Syria has become a bold rogue as the client of nuclear emerging Iran. Thus Assad has massively aided Shi’ite Hezbollah and Sunni Hamas and probably lesser known murdering Islamofascist terrorists. Assad has taken dead Yasser Arafat’s mantle of deceiving the West with the preferment of peace while telling the Mohammedan Middle East to resist the West violently and destroy Israel vehemently.

The America and the West tries appeasing negotiation with Syria and Iran the closer the globe comes to another to another all out World War.

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