I am absolutely against homosexual parenting. It is a concept that legitimizes a perverted lifestyle and provides an environment for a child that would is counter-Christian morality. It is part of a Secular Humanist and Homosexual agenda to transform society into a godless moral relativist culture.
Having made my position clear on homosexuality I have another thought Christians and fellow homophobes should think about. I just read an article in ChristianNewsWire entitled, “White House Officially Recognizes Homosexual Unions and Parenting?” The article implies that the congratulation to Vice President Cheney on his new grandson is an endorsement of homosexual principles.
I do not know Cheney’s personal stand on homosexuality; regardless of a pro or con stance I am certain he loves his lesbian daughter unconditionally. Is that not a Christian principle to love unconditionally even the heathen? A Christian purpose is to deliver the Light of the Good News of Deliverance in Christ Jesus. There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
Unconditional Love is not a license to commit or endorse sin; it is an act of compassion to share the Christ Path without human judgment. There is a fine line that a Christian may have difficulty to discern which side to walk.
Christians are to associate with sinners to convince them by a Christ-like example of the Way of Christ; however Christians are not to associate with sinners in social camaraderie on the level carnal enjoyment. It is a line that is difficult to discern particularly when family is involved. Can anyone expect Vice President Cheney to surrender his love for his daughter because of her lifestyle choices? If I was in the situation I could not surrender familial love; however I would not compromise my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ by not sharing my stance continuously with prodigal family.
So as you read the scathing news article from ChristianNewsWire about the White House releasing an official photo of Vice President Cheney and wife welcoming his new grandson, remember it is the Love of Christ not the condemnation the Law That Jesus’ existence has fulfilled.
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