I wonder what the government of the United States of America would do if Mexico began using vociferous language toward America claiming the right of return for the land America conquered in war. Do you understand the amount of land I am speaking about? That land ranges from California and the rest of the South Western States though to Texas and Oklahoma. This is land ceded to America via victory in war over Mexico. (Texas had their own war of independence from Mexico led by American immigrants, then eventually joined the Union as the State of Texas).
Here we are in the 21st century (not really that far from the wars of the mid-1800’s) and Latinos are flowing into America. The point of initiation is land taken by America.
Now imagine a drug lord that Mexico has little control over because of Mexican government corruption. Now this Mexican drug lord has decided that his cartel needs an unhindered market for his drugs across the border in the land formerly sovereign territory of Mexico. He begins missile bombardments of border towns to strike fear in the Gringos. The drug lord produces a public message he is exercising the right of return for Mexican nationals who had their land taken by the American military.
What would America do?
If a Democrat was in the Office of President America start giving some land to the drug lord believing his promise of peace. Unfortunately the more land given by a Democratic President the more land the drug lord demanded who made his point by launching more missiles and raids into America murdering American men, women and children in their cities and fleeing back across each border line agreed upon by the appeasement minded Democratic President. There is an ever increasing American death toll and an ever increasing giving of land to the drug lord who continues to promise peace to the American government.
If a strong Republican was in the Office of President and the drug lord and his cartel began its war of terror to strike fear into the Gringos on former Mexican land, I suspect that President would respond differently. The Republican President would invade Mexico in a Mexican/American War II. That Republican President would find Mexicans who wanted the rule of law established in Mexico and make an alliance with them giving them aid, training and physical support. In the meantime, a strong Republican President would eschew the Democratic Party anti-war/Surrender land for peace advice. That President would develop an agenda to win a victory even it is not politically correct to secure safety for American citizens. (That was President Bush’s deficiency: no plan to manage a complete victory.)
This is the situation Israel has faced ever since its modern inception as a sovereign nation.
Prime Minister Olmert is acting like an American Democrat allowing Islamofascist terrorists (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, etc) to send missile at the nearest Israeli city to Gaza – Sderot. Olmert continues to do nothing for fear of International repudiation for attacking poor victimized Islamofascist homicidal terrorists. That repudiation also is feared from Israel’s closest ally – America.
Palestinian terrorists want a sovereign nation called Palestine PLUS the right to return to land their ancestors fled in 1948 out of fear when Arab armies surrounded and invaded the fledgling nation of Israel.
The thing is a Palestinian nation is risky business for Israel; the so-called right of return would be national suicide for the nation of Israel.
What should Israel do?
Here we are in the 21st century (not really that far from the wars of the mid-1800’s) and Latinos are flowing into America. The point of initiation is land taken by America.
Now imagine a drug lord that Mexico has little control over because of Mexican government corruption. Now this Mexican drug lord has decided that his cartel needs an unhindered market for his drugs across the border in the land formerly sovereign territory of Mexico. He begins missile bombardments of border towns to strike fear in the Gringos. The drug lord produces a public message he is exercising the right of return for Mexican nationals who had their land taken by the American military.
What would America do?
If a Democrat was in the Office of President America start giving some land to the drug lord believing his promise of peace. Unfortunately the more land given by a Democratic President the more land the drug lord demanded who made his point by launching more missiles and raids into America murdering American men, women and children in their cities and fleeing back across each border line agreed upon by the appeasement minded Democratic President. There is an ever increasing American death toll and an ever increasing giving of land to the drug lord who continues to promise peace to the American government.
If a strong Republican was in the Office of President and the drug lord and his cartel began its war of terror to strike fear into the Gringos on former Mexican land, I suspect that President would respond differently. The Republican President would invade Mexico in a Mexican/American War II. That Republican President would find Mexicans who wanted the rule of law established in Mexico and make an alliance with them giving them aid, training and physical support. In the meantime, a strong Republican President would eschew the Democratic Party anti-war/Surrender land for peace advice. That President would develop an agenda to win a victory even it is not politically correct to secure safety for American citizens. (That was President Bush’s deficiency: no plan to manage a complete victory.)
This is the situation Israel has faced ever since its modern inception as a sovereign nation.
Prime Minister Olmert is acting like an American Democrat allowing Islamofascist terrorists (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, etc) to send missile at the nearest Israeli city to Gaza – Sderot. Olmert continues to do nothing for fear of International repudiation for attacking poor victimized Islamofascist homicidal terrorists. That repudiation also is feared from Israel’s closest ally – America.
Palestinian terrorists want a sovereign nation called Palestine PLUS the right to return to land their ancestors fled in 1948 out of fear when Arab armies surrounded and invaded the fledgling nation of Israel.
The thing is a Palestinian nation is risky business for Israel; the so-called right of return would be national suicide for the nation of Israel.
What should Israel do?
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