I received this as part of the Blind Conservative Group (registration only) I belong to via emissives.com. The email post was by a member known as “CD.”
Soros is the embodiment of evil to American conservatives. In saying that I love it when someone paints a picture depicting old George as the Anti-Christ. This in fact is what author Paul R. Hollrah is doing.
Frankly I do not agree with Hollrah’s logic on Soros being the Anti-Christ; however there is a difference between THE Anti-Christ and many anti-Christs. The former is the evil being managed by Satan (of the Revelation of St. John) to hand total physical and spiritual control of the earth to Satan. The later is a reference to human individuals that operate under the oppressive domination of an anti-Christ spirit.
An example of the later would be Adolf Hitler. Nearly the whole spectrum of Christianity can agree on that person. Various divisions will name others having an anti-Christ spirit that includes liberals and conservatives over the 20th and early 21st centuries. I will not debate the validity of those depictions, for that will just lead to a religious debate that people simply will not budge on.
But Soros! Now there is a guy that could be a candidate for an anti-Christ spirit. According to Hollrah’s guess THE Anti-Christ will be a Jew. I assure you, many agree with that guess and many believe it will be a European or an Arab. It is just up for grabs in the theory/conspiracy realm. Old George is simply to old to fit the bill as THE Anti-Christ, however I believe one is coming soon.
A quick editor’s note on Hollrah’s essay: the Blind Conservative format posted by “CD” was somewhat jumbled. Thus I guessed on the grammar and punctuation in many places. If I screwed up the original, my apologies to Paul R. Hollrah.
Something to think about.
George Soros - The Antichrist?
Paul R. HollrahAuthor: Paul R. Hollrah
Source: The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
Date: May 10, 2007
George Soros
Why have once-great bastions of freedom, the Western media, become the purveyors of lies, leftist propaganda, and everything else that coarsens and degrades Western civilization? FSM Contributing Editor Paul R. Hollrah has a chilling theory about the possible reality of the Antichrist. Is he here now?
George Soros - The Antichrist?
By Paul R. Hollrah
I am not a big believer in the concept of an antichrist. It’s all far too mystical for me and I’m not into mysticism. I grew up in the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, where Church dogma has always held that the Pope is the antichrist. According to the Lutheran Book of Concord, Smalcald Articles, and Part 2:IV:10, “the pope is the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power.”
It is true, the papacy has taken on an aura of princely splendor over the centuries, but to believe that one of those popes “who date back to Christ’s apostle, Simon Peter” could be the antichrist is a stretch; too much of a stretch for me.
However, I may be in the early stages of an epiphany. If the antichrist represents the ultimate evil, as religious fundamentalists tell us, then could it be that much of the unrequited evil we find in the world today is the work of the antichrist? Could that be the reason why the civilized world is faced with a holy war at the hand of Muslims; men who strap suicide bombs to the bellies of their women and children? Could that be why the people of the once-Christian nations of Europe suddenly and quietly acquiesce to the invasion of Islam?
Why have those once-great bastions of freedom, the western media, become the purveyors of lies, leftist propaganda, and everything else that coarsens and degrades western civilization? And why have the leaders of one of our two great American political parties sold their souls so shamelessly and so cheaply in the pursuit of political power?
So, if all of this can be attributed to the antichrist, who is he? According to the website Countdown to Armageddon, “The Antichrist could well rise out of the current chaos in the former Soviet Union. The prophet Ezekiel names him as the ruler of Magog,” a name that Biblical scholars agree denotes a country or region of peoples to the north of Israel. Many have interpreted this to mean modern day Russia. His power base will include the leading nations of Europe, whose leaders, the Bible says, will give their power and strength unto the beast.
The Bible even gives some clues about his personal characteristics. The prophet Daniel wrote that; he will have a “fierce countenance” or stern look, and will be “more stout than his fellows “more proud and boastful.”
So who could it be? Arthur W. Pink, author of The Antichrist, tells us, “The Antichrist will be a Jew,” although his connections and his sphere of influence will by no means confine him to the world of Jewry.
So, just for the sake of argument, let’s consider György Schwartz who was born on August 12, 1930, in Budapest, Hungary. His father, Teodoro Schwartz, a Hungarian Jew, was captured by the Russians during World War I but escaped and made his way back to Budapest. He was reunited with his family and eventually became a teacher of Esperanto.
György was thirteen years old when the Nazis invaded Hungary on March 19, 1944 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1944) and began exterminating Jews.
Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopedia, tell us that Schwartz worked briefly for the Jewish Council, an organization established by the Nazis to deliver deportation messages to Jewish lawyers. However, when his father became concerned for his safety he sent György to live with a non-Jewish government official, posing as his godson.
A year later, in 1945, Russian forces swept through Budapest. But the devastation of house-to-house fighting was not the only disaster that would befall the Hungarian people that year. By August of 1945, the hyperinflation rate in Hungary had grown to 50% per month, and just four months later the inflation rate reached several hundred percent per month. It was in that volatile economic arena, where the Hungarian government maintained two separate monetary units; that our subject learned to make money trading currencies.
György escaped the Soviet occupation by participating in an Esperanto youth congress in 1946, most likely in Sweden, and the following year he migrated to _England_(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/England). He graduated from the prestigious _London School of Economics_(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_School_of_Economics) in _1952_ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952) and in 1956 he moved to the United States.
Oh, and the name “Schwartz?” That was changed in 1936 when the Schwartz family became concerned about the Nazi threat to Jews. They chose the name “Soros,” a Hungarian name which, according to Wikipedia, means “next in line,” or “designated successor.” György Schwartz is now George Soros, the man who generously shares his multi-billion dollar fortune with the enemies of America, the man who gave Democrats $23.6 million in 2003-04 to defeat George W. Bush, the man who has totally subverted the American left and purchased the soul of the Democrat Party; the man who now conspires to purchase a Democratic president who will obey his every whim.
Could it be? It’s a very scary thought.
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