Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Real Islam Revealed: Watch it while you Can

This is YouTube video post by that everyone should see. I wish to thank Twana’s Blog for alerting me of its existence (well really she wanted me to see something and I stumbled up on it). It is entitled, “The Real Islam Revealed.” Twana has it for friends only at Vox Blog so you may not be able to comment there; I am a bit more public and I am not afraid of the radicals blistering me with Islamofascist rhetoric.

I have to inject a quick note about the video: It is extremely anti-Mohammedan. It is so anti-Mohammedan that I suspect YouTube may pull it, so watch it while you can. is very Judaic and Zionist to the point of being arbitrarily crude sometimes; however they are not afraid to point out the bad nature that indeed exists in the Quran and the Hadith – Holy Scriptures to Mohammedans.

I know there is a moderate Mohammedan that will not only be offended by “The Real Islam Revealed” but will disagree with its message. That is because the silent majority of Mohammedans in the West practice their faith in relative peace in a 21st Century style rather than the retro Medieval Islamism advocated by radical Islamofascist terrorists of both Sunni and Shia persuasion. Nonetheless whether the quiet Mohammedans agree with the video or not, is telling the truth about Mohammedan scriptures and practices of extremists that are more and more becoming the voice of Mohammedanism.

So you so-called Moderate Mohammedans that are out there, instead of whining about Islamophobia stand up for your moderation and become vocally condemning of the Islamists that is becoming the representative voice of Mohammedanism to non-Mohammedans.

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