The old KGB fox and current President of Russia flamed Secretary of State Rice and Secretary of Defense Gates in negotiations to find a common ground on a missile protection system the US is offering to build in Poland and the Czech Republic as a counter measure to a potential Iranian missile attack.
The quickly fading ally Russia views the Missile Defense Umbrella as a threat to Russian missiles, meaning in old Cold War terminology the erasing of the Mutually Assured Destruction deterrent between Russia and Europe/America.
I mean Putin is furious! Now this begs the question: Why would a Missile Defense Umbrella which potentially even aid in protecting Russia from long range Iranian missile infuriate Putin?
Let us speculate a little.
Could it be that Russia is clandestinely aiding Iran build a nuclear arsenal with some kind of secret mutual defense pact? I mean Russia openly has provided nuclear technology to Iran. Russia has provided military arms to Iran. Russia is back to pushing the envelope on British air space. Russia is attempting to control any resources in the Arctic North Pole region.
Do all these act sound or look like the practice of a Western allies? Is Russian democracy based on the Western model devolving back to Russian despotism?
I am just speculating now; however there is the appearance of a Russian/Iranian secret pact that a Missile Defense Umbrella might just screw up.
Then there is on last question for you readers to speculate on an answer: What is China’s agenda in regard to Russia’s antics and Iran’s increasing belligerence as the West allows Iran to become a nuclear power? Hmm ???
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