Sunday, October 14, 2007


There have long been rumors that Prime Minister Olmert of Israel was willing to give up half of Jerusalem as part of the package to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (aka Abu Mazen). Incidentally Abbas is as much a thug terrorist as any terrorist organization connected to the Arab movement to form a sovereign Palestinian nation.

Abbas took over the mantle of Yasser Arafat as Chairman of the
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which is a loose confederation of terrorists that has inflicted murderous terror on Israel. Egypt and the Arab League formed the PLO in 1964 to create a mythological people of Arabs termed Palestinians.

You see the irony is in 1948 the United Nations (prior to becoming sympathetic to Islamist Arabs and anti-Israel) divided the British Palestinian Mandate into to two nations: Israel and Transjordan. Obviously the Jews were to be sovereign in Israel and the Arabs to be sovereign in Transjordan under the hegemony of the Bedouin Hashemite Kingdom. The U.N. even gave a largely favorable amount of land to the Arabs while limiting the size of Israel to a nearly thin slice of indefensible land.

Mohammedan Arabs could not tolerate that Jews were becoming sovereign in what they considered Dar al-Islam land (i.e. land controlled by Islam as opposed to Dar al-Harb, land controlled by the infidel).

Thus Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan and a few other minor players all surrounding Israel attacked in 1948 just after Israeli Independence. Arabs living within the borders of Israel fled prior to the invasion expecting a Mohammedan victory to return them to their homes as well as fearing Israeli reprisals on life and property while their Arab brethren were attacking.

Why am I providing a minor (and admittedly slanted) history lesson? The reason is the point there were no Palestinians in 1948. Specifically there were citizens of Israel (primarily Jews) and citizens of Transjordan (primarily Arab Mohammedan Transjordanian citizens).

After Israel spanked Egypt, Syria, the future Jordan and the Arab bit players in 1948; the Mohammedans egos were bruised. Thus instead of incorporating the Arabs into the various invading lands – Jordan in particular – it was decided by the invaders to make a group of Arabs stateless people with the appellation of Palestinian refugee to create a perpetual chaotic wedge to habitually attack Israel with the intent of destroying the Israeli nation.

From 1948 through the current day, Mohammedans have taught hatred of Jewish people and later Christians in Dar al-Islam to Mohammedan Arab children until a generation of ingrained hate exists in the Middle Eastern Mohammedan mind.

Invasions and threats of extermination have been the goal of Middle Eastern Mohammedan nations ever since 1948. Every time a Mohammedan war was executed against Israel, the Mohammedans have been spanked even though they had superior numbers. (Now tell that is not a God thing!)

One of those invasions in 1967 became a godsend for the Jews of Israel. Again Egypt, Syria and Jordan attacked Israel to exterminate the nation. This time a Six Day miracle occurred. Not only were the three invaders spanked but in six days Israel occupied Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, Syria’s Golan Heights and the territory retained by Jordan after the first 1948 invasion now called the West Bank by the world and Judea and Samaria by the Israelis. Part of that West Bank acquisition is land that Jews (and Christians) have considered the land of the Jews by heritage. This included East Jerusalem, Bethlehem and burial sites of Jewish Patriarchs.

The most important of which was the unification of Jerusalem (the City of David) under Israeli control. AND the most important fact about the unification of Jerusalem is that the Holiest of site to all Judaism came under Israeli possession – the Temple Mount.

The great mystery to me was the Israeli government’s decision to allow the Jordanian linked Mohammedan Waqf to control the Temple Mount where two Mohammedan Mosques are located – the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Yes I realize Mohammedans consider those two Mosques to be the third holiest site to them. Let us think about that one; Third: meaning one, two, and three. That means the Mohammedans control number one and two – Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. Mecca and Medina are actual place the pseudo-prophet Mohammed resided. Mohammed had never been to Jerusalem physically. Mohammed’s successors developed a myth from the Quran (in which Jerusalem is not named) that Mohammed took off from a Mosque in Jerusalem on winged horse to heaven and back. The problem historically is that there was no Mosque in Jerusalem that was controlled by the Byzantine Empire in Mohammed’s lifetime. Thus it is impossible for Jerusalem to be the location of the Quranic “furthermost Mosque.” To accept Jerusalem as the furthermost Mosque would prove the Quran is a lie. I seriously doubt any Mohammedan would accept that.

The greatest error in my estimation is that Israel did not take physical control of the Temple Mount graciously allowing the Mohammedan Mosques to operate for the
religion of peace. I mean it is not like the Mohammedans are to stop attacking Israel to eradicate a Jewish existence in the Middle East.

Now we have come to the point in which Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is preparing to transfer the 1967 miracle back to Mohammedan control, including half of Jerusalem which includes the Temple Mount.

In American terms that is like becoming a Benedict Arnold. In Christian terms that is like becoming a Judas Iscariot. In Jewish terms it is like becoming
Korah, Dathan and Abiram.

Olmert is selling out his race, his faith and his nation. Whether it is to the
Arabs who call themselves Palestinians or to Jordan it is treasonous and could lead to the demise of Israel as Mohammedans have stealthily armed themselves with weapons and technology from America.

Other links of interest related to the Olmert sell out from
Arutz Sheva 7 (Israel National News):

Jordan Replaces P.A. in MK Elon's Peace Plan

US Presidential Candidate Endorses Elon's "Israeli Initiative"

Rabbi Elyashiv Joins Battle For Jerusalem

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