I first heard about this on Fox News: Jim Brossert who is a war veteran saw a Mexican flag flying above an American flag at a Reno, NV bar. Brossert became ticked and rolled down the two flags and cut the American flag off the string holding the two national flags.
“I’m Jim Brossert and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States army. I’m a veteran, I am not going to see this done to my country. if they want to fight us, then they need to be men, and they need to come and fight us, but I want somebody to fight me for this flag. They’re not going to get it back.” - ImmigrationWatchDog.com
That simple act which some are calling vandalism and some are calling heroism is Brossart’s fifteen minutes of fame. In my book Brossert is a hero; however in the Reno police department’s book “…Brossert will faces charges for theft if the store owner files a police report of what happened.”
The ACLU [*SlantRight.com Lower half] has already chipped in their Leftist garbage saying just because the federal laws on the books are rarely enforced thus are mere symbolism, then the Mexican-America citizen was just fine in raising the Mexican flag above the American flag.
I heard this term for the first time on Fox & Friends from that radio guy from Chicago who has a two minute spot: hatriot. The ACLU defending the Mexican flag being flown above the American flag is hatriotism.
At least he had an American flag. Maybe he didn't know proper flag ettiquette. Cause if he was showing hatred to the US he would'nt have had any US flag.
I don't think I agree with Mike. Certainly ONLY having a Mexican flag would be insulting. Having the Mexican flag on top in America is a pointed insult. No American patriot would place another national flag above the American flag.
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