Monday, October 22, 2007

PA Tells Arabs One Thing and Israel/America Another

Even as the Bush Administration and Prime Minister Olmert explore a point of concession to establish another Arab nation which will be called Palestine, the official television network of the Palestinian Authority (i.e. operated by Fatah terrorists) shows a map on their network on October 11, 2007 of Israel as the sovereign nation of Palestine.

What is the concession? Actually the concession is numerous and dangerous for Israel’s existence: the giving up of what Israelis call portions of Judea and Samaria and the West calls the West Bank. The heinous concession on the table for discussion is
dividing Jerusalem between Israel and the emerging repugnant State of Palestine.

How is this coming about? The Bush Administration is twisting the Israeli government arm to establish a “Palestine” on Arab terms and Olmert is acquiescing to the arm twist at Jewish expense.

Palestine Authority (PA) President (also Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman) Mahmoud Abbas controls the content station PATV. Somebody explain to me how that makes Abbas a trustworthy partner in negotiation to keep any bargains he submits? It is extremely apparent that Abbas is following in Yasser Arafat’s footsteps of telling the West and Israel anything they want to hear and telling the Arabs called Palestinians that the destruction of Jewish Israel is imminent.

I submit that the creation of a Palestinian State will lead to a blood bath of either Jews or Mohammedan Arabs. How can I say this? I can say so because once the Arabs of the Palestinian Authority under the direction of the umbrella terrorist network known as the PLO becomes a sovereign Palestine, that horrific nation of State thuggery will have the tools to negotiate with rogue nations and arms dealing nations (Russia and China) for a military designed to invade the rest of Israel.

Someone will win and it won’t be pretty. Not only that, due to the current investment of America in the Middle East due to the War on Terror, America will participate in that Israeli/Palestinian war. And if America participates then certainly Iran will follow the Palestinians with Russia joining closely on Iran's heals. I say
Russia because the Old Bear has warned off Western nations from attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities. If Iran and Syria partner to support a Palestine, America will attack Iran’s military capabilities – including the nuclear facilities. Russia will have to do something or face international disgrace (again) in talking big but not yielding clout.

A sovereign Palestinian State will lead to this scenario.

It would be better for the
Arab nations surrounding Israel to admit their mistake in creating a group of Arab refugees and matriculate those Arabs into their nations. The biggest candidate for the matriculation is Jordan since its existence was intended for the Arabs while a sliver of land was to be reserved for Israel. This was a League of Nations Mandate given to the British then a United Nations Mandate before third world dictators and Arab nationalists backed by oil infected the World Body with corruption.

Just as the British shafted the Jewish people just after WWI to appease the aid that was given by Arabs to defeat the Ottoman Turks, there is the appearance the American government is preparing a raw deal for Israel for global considerations of oil and the need for Middle Eastern allies in the War on Terror. Thus once again Israel is being placed in a position to negotiate away their land acquired by victory during numerous attacks by Arabs to exterminate Israel and Jews. This includes the holiest site to all Judaism and the most significant site to Christendom – Jerusalem.

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