Monday, October 29, 2007

Fukuyama has become Delusional

"Many of the voices that called for, and then bungled, military intervention in Iraq are now calling for war with Iran. Why should the rest of the world think that conflict with a larger and more resolute enemy would be handled any more capably?"

This is the
opening line to Neocon traitor Fukuyama. He whines about failed policy with vigor when at one time Fukuyama was a proponent of the very policy that was implemented.

The only thing that was wrong in the Iraqi invasion was not nailing down a legitimate reason to take down a Middle East de-stabilizer in genocidal Saddam Hussein and not nailing down serious military rules of engagement. The rules of engagement were based on political fallout and the stupidity of living up to being politically correct. The fight was not taken to insurgents with the same vigor as the politicians should have allowed the military to execute.

The Bush Administration worried too much how the MSM would fire words of hatred through the written and televised word.

For example: the MSM correctly exposed Abu Ghraib as an atrocity, the Left Wing news hounds used words of razors as an example of why it was wrong to be in Iraq. Abu Ghraib was wrong but associating that incident with taking down Saddam is ludicrous. Saddam was a butcher and his sons were butcher/rapist heir apparent.

Another example is the "Haditha Massacre." We really can't call it a massacre any longer, it has been proven that the so-called "Haditha Massacre" was staged by insurgents and fed to lying journalists who believed the lies of the Islamofascists rather than good American boys fighting for the Liberty of Iraq. Haditha should be labeled the Incident in which the MSM promoted the propaganda of the enemy at home and abroad.

If there is a self-defeating American hegemony, it is because the rest of the world would rather believe the lies of Islamists thinking peace will result rather than joining America in unity and take down these barbarous murderers at all costs. There should be an Allied WWII mindset: a full and complete surrender of the enemy rather it is a rogue nation or a multitude of transnational terrorists.

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