I just read an interesting article by Dennis Prager who was part of David Horowitz’s Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.
Horowitz assembled a group of experts from the Conservative side of spectrum to speak at seminars on college campuses across the nation educating listeners about Islamism. Apparently the title “Islamo-Fascism” was employed to equate today’s Islamism with the cultic use of ideological fascism of the past to impose State rule as the center of a citizen’s life and actions. Thus the implication that Islamism is more an ideology utilizing religious principles of Islam to be the center of a Mohammedan’s life and actions according to the radical interpretations the Sunni Wahhabi school of thought or the more extremist versions of Shia school’s of thought (e.g. the Twelvers).
Prager points out that this tour of University revealed that students that follow Leftist thinking are molded by Leftist Professors. Apparently the more Leftist the Professor the more Leftist is a student’s ideological mind-slate.
Thus Prager discovered that Leftists will listen and promote speakers of an Islamist orientation in the name of their version of Free Speech; however when a Conservative comes to campus to refute Islamism, Free Speech is drowned out by heckling and Leftist slurs. Prager noted the times that Left oriented student bodies sat and offered the respect of Free Speech by listening, it was due to the University utilizing authority figures such as guards or campus police that provided the threat of the boot for disrespect. The Universities that allowed chaos over order had unruly students that shouted the speakers down preventing the seminar to come to a conclusion.
The conclusion I drew from Prager’s article is that way too many American Universities are pumping the hatred of America into the minds of American students so that they loath America’s troops and admire America’s enemies.
This is moronic! American minds are being taught Leftist ideology which is for the most revisionist history that leads to self-loathing of America’s greatness: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Then simultaneously validating everything Islamofascism represents: intolerance, no Liberty, no Freedom and only submission to the service of Islamist Theo-political ideology.
I am excited to read that there are Muslims against Sharia Law.
I do have concerns about moderate Muslims. I read all the time about nations like Egypt and other Middle Eastern nations that utilize Islamic rule of law that I assume is derived from Sharia Law.
Just recently a Christian Egyptian (Coptic Christian) was thrown in jail for listing her faith on a Marriage certificate as a Christian. That earned her a 3 year sentence.
Her crime: Her father converted briefly from Christianity to Islam, then back from Islam to Christianity. Apparently freedom of religion is illegal in Egypt. The Christian woman’s problem was that she was a minor when daddy experienced his crisis of faith.
Apparently it is the law once a male becomes a Muslim; then all his children join the club too. Thus the poor young lady expecting marriage nuptials was thrown in jail for even thinking about marrying a Christian male.
If that is moderate Islam, then I have extreme concerns. These people were not Islamists.
I realize that Saudi Arabia is hardly a moderate Muslim nation; however a Muslim lady who was a victim of gang rape is to receive 200 lashes. SHE WAS THE VICTIM!
And you will have to explain to me about honor killing, this is apparently even enforced extra-legally in Western nations.
So there are MUSLIMS AGAINST SHARIA LAW, make your voice known. Stand up to American organizations like CAIR that clandestinely support Hamas and have an agenda to America a Muslim nation in which Sharia Law is the rule of law instead of the U.S. Constitution.
"I do have concerns about moderate Muslims."
Egypt is NOT a moderate Muslim country.
If Egypt is not a moderate Muslim nation, are there any moderate Muslim nations in the Middle East?
Not that we know of
Muslims Against Sharia says there are no moderate Muslim regimes in the Middle East.
That seems to be contrary to the statistics that Moderate Muslims are the majority and that Islamists are the minority.
Organizations like Muslims Against Sharia must begin to take the forefront in the West to counter the well funded radical Muslim literature from Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Shia of Iran.
"That seems to be contrary to the statistics that Moderate Muslims are the majority and that Islamists are the minority."
1. Where do you get those statistics?
2. As long as one religion has a dominant status and other religions have an inferior status, the country cannot be considered moderate. Even in Turkey, the most moderate Muslim country in the Middle East, Christians have inferior status.
"Organizations like Muslims Against Sharia must begin to take the forefront in the West to counter the well funded radical Muslim"
Your statement shows why it is not likely: moderate Muslims have no political or financial support.
The statistics come from secular organizations and Muslim organizations like CAIR.
The insights of Muslims Against Sharia are invaluable.
I pray that Muslims Against Sharia receives funding to make a difference in educating Americans about the sharia law minded Muslims. Such a mass media campaign sure would crimp the CAIR style American-Muslim organizations that claim to represent moderate Islam in America.
"The statistics come from ... Muslim organizations like CAIR"
Since CAIR is not directly involved in homicide bombings (it just finances them) some people (including CAIR itself) consider CAIR moderate. By those standards statistics are correct: vast majority of Muslims are moderate.
How can a Muslim donate to an organization that ties into radical Islamism and probably terrorism itself consider themselves a moderate Muslim?
It is radical by association.
Not all Nazis in Hitler’s Germany were involved with the slaughter of six million Jews, but a significant number knew it was happening. The only Nazi collaborator that I know of that even tried to stop the slaughter was Schindler of Schindler’s List fame.
Those Nazis that knew associated with evil and supported it.
Terrorism is evil even if one doles a few bucks to support it.
I was being sarcastic. Of course CAIR (Hamas front) is just as responsible for Hamas terrorism as Hamas itself.
Ahhh sarcasm.
It was late, I did not pick up on it.
I am just pleased we are on the same boat.
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