Youssef Ibrahim is quickly becoming my favorite representative of an emerging vocal (yet mostly silent) Moderate Muslims denouncing the acts and ideology of Islamist terrorism. A few days ago I posted an article by him entitled, “The Saudi Reign of Terror.” He is doing more actively to dispel the victimization of Islamophobia that moderate Muslims probably feel than the so-called Mohammedan civil rights organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations who purport to be the voice of Mohammedanism in America.
That is scary since many of the Mohammedan organizations aligned on the same track as CAIR are either indicted criminals or unindicted co-conspirators in crimes of supporting foreign Islamist terrorists with money garnered on American soil. The Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial in Dallas for whatever actual charges are against them has brought to the surface documents that outline the demise of the United States government.
Youssef Ibrahim is now writing about “The Islamist Trojan Horse.” Ibrahim rails to the Left and Right political spectrum about arguing the danger of foreign terrorist in foreign wars however the fact is the Islamists are already here. “HERE” being the United States of America: the bastion of Liberty, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Islamists ARE HERE to end Liberty, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness by replacing those Western concepts with intolerant Mohammedanism and the oppressive Theo-political ideology of medieval Sharia Law.
(Hat tip to Don Moore of Blind Conservatives)
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