Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ahmadinejad Squirmed Way More than Portraying Defiance

Amazing! The New York Times writes of Ahmadinejad as if he were a heroic Mohammedan standing bravely and defiantly in the midst of his detractors. You have to read way down in the article that Bollinger asked strong questions and even then portrayed Ahmadinejad’s response was a frozen smile. The NYT spun the facts and made Ahmadinejad look like the good guy for his beliefs and hypocritical criticisms of Israel and the West.

Ahmadinejad says Israel does not have a right to exist because it is racist State, yet the NYT fails to report Shia and Sunni Mohammedan exploitation of non-Mohammedan peoples living within the Middle East.

The NYT gives emphasis to Ahmadinejad’s comments about American possessing “fifth generation atomic bombs” while America wishes to prevent Iran or “other people who just want nuclear power”. What a bunch of Mohammedan crap! Everyone knows that the grade of uranium Iran is producing is way beyond peaceful commercial usage of nuclear power, indeed it is weapons grade uranium. And everyone knows that combining the technology of long range missile with weapons grade uranium is a given for production.

The NYT is skewing the news to the Left when they had an opportunity to both make Ahmadinejad look like the murderous freak that he is and praising Slanted Left Columbia President Bollinger with questions that would or should make a Slanted Right person happy.

Ahmadinejad squirmed way more than portraying defiance.

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