Saturday, September 01, 2007

Olmert will re-divide Jerusalem

The Christian Right’s and religious Judaic Zionist’s greatest fear is about to happen according to Arab media outlets and Slanted Left Israeli Dr. Guy Bechor: Olmert is dividing Jerusalem between Israel and the pseudo-nationality known Palestinian-Arab.

I hold little trust in Arab media reporting; however this Bechor individual is purported to be a respected Leftist in Israel.

You know something is bad when a Leftist highly criticizes the division of Jerusalem in the name of peace. This trade for peace has proven dubious in the past in that it leads to further violence with the goal of the destruction of Israel. Personally I trust this paradigm has not changed.

If indeed the future of Jerusalem has been imprinted in writing as Bechor indicates, then Olmert may go down in history as Israel’s version of the American Benedict Arnold – a sell out traitor to the future of his nation and people.

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