Saturday, September 15, 2007

Dreher: A Gem of an Editorial Exposition about American Islam

I became alerted to a gem of an article written by Rod Dreher of the opinion section of the Dallas Morning News Which I discovered at a Yahoo Group called American Freedoms which was a post of an E-Newsletter of the American Congress for Truth.

Now that is quite a pedigree of Conservative Internet dissemination of information. That is how Conservatives stay informed beyond the former domination of the Mainstream Media (MSM) distribution Slanted Left news.

I am about to perpetuate this process by posting
Dreher’s article here on this blog.

Dreher reports his opinion, really his amazement that the MSM is not publicizing the
Holy Land Foundation conspiracy trial relating to charges of using charitable donations to the deadly Islamofascist organization known as Hamas.

Now the thing that makes the HLF trial a point of interest to Americans is the gradual uncovering of conspiracies within conspiracies of an agenda to shake down the American way of life by being a Trojan-like Mohammedan virus to undermine America from within by radicalizing the Mohammedan-American citizens and alien residents by the
Muslim Brotherhood slowly gaining control of Mohammedan-American organizations.

As Dreher points out, it is such a huge conspiratorial undertaking it has all the makings of a Hollywood Conspiracy Theory movie. Although politically correct and Arab sympathetic is unlikely to infuriate Mohammedans by making such a blockbuster movie (someone might get assassinated even if one was courageous enough to make such a movie).

The HLF trial has scores of unindicted co-conspirators named along side including the self-proclaimed Big Fish protector of Mohammedan-American civil rights – CAIR (See HLF Link or
click HERE). The Council on American-Islamic Relations (I.e. CAIR) is one of 300 unindicted co-conspirators named in the HLF trial. Many of those 300 are prominent Mohammedan American organizations just like CAIR.

And yet if the MSM media mentions the trial in print it is probably page-20 news or an editorial such as Rod Dreher. I myself have not seen one mention of the implications of the HLF trial on televised news. (Of course I rarely watch anything but FOX News and I have not even seen much coverage of the HLF trial there.)

Let us proceed to
Rod Dreher:

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