Now here is a guy who does not like Fred Thompson for President (or maybe I should say couple).
In an article I read by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Fred is skewered by a number of citations of low moments of Thompson’s Conservative credentials.
The Morris/McGann article endorses Giuliani or McCain on there credentials on Security.
The Morris/McGann article proclaims Thompson’s stand on social issues and film/TV making fame are not issues to become elected as President.
Morris/McGann concedes to Hillary Clinton as President anyway and they reason why should we vote for a Republican candidate that has core Conservative social values?
Hmm … Let me think about that.
The issues Morris/McGann brings up are compelling; nonetheless the social issues facing America will make or break her from the inside out. I seem to remember a more famous Hollywood actor also called to horribly uninformed, inexperienced and way too trigger happy to qualify as President.
Only time will tell if Thompson has the chutzpa President Reagan had; however it is the social issues and the terrorist issues combined Americans should be thinking about. Can anyone claim Thompson is cut-n-run or anti-victory in the War on Terror?
I will vote for any Republican that wins the nomination, but I hope it is Thompson.
In an article I read by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann, Fred is skewered by a number of citations of low moments of Thompson’s Conservative credentials.
The Morris/McGann article endorses Giuliani or McCain on there credentials on Security.
The Morris/McGann article proclaims Thompson’s stand on social issues and film/TV making fame are not issues to become elected as President.
Morris/McGann concedes to Hillary Clinton as President anyway and they reason why should we vote for a Republican candidate that has core Conservative social values?
Hmm … Let me think about that.
The issues Morris/McGann brings up are compelling; nonetheless the social issues facing America will make or break her from the inside out. I seem to remember a more famous Hollywood actor also called to horribly uninformed, inexperienced and way too trigger happy to qualify as President.
Only time will tell if Thompson has the chutzpa President Reagan had; however it is the social issues and the terrorist issues combined Americans should be thinking about. Can anyone claim Thompson is cut-n-run or anti-victory in the War on Terror?
I will vote for any Republican that wins the nomination, but I hope it is Thompson.
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