Fjordman Introduction to Essay: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, part 1
© September 20, 2007
Fjordman is a pseudonym for a European blogger/essayist that I have read is from Sweden and other places from Norway. I am certain many know who he really is for Fjordman is often a guest blogger and writer for Conservative and anti-Islam(ist) blogs.
I suspect he values his anonymity because for a European he is a rare breed: Fjordman is a conservative right winger that is extremely critical of Islam. This means he has many enemies which are both European (Leftist egalitarians) and Mohammedan nut cases that are easily enraged by criticism of their religion and their prophet.
The European would like to hunt down the anonymous Fjordman and prosecute him for inciting hate speech. Europeans have a different understanding of Freedom of Speech than Americans.
The Mohammedan would like to hunt down the anonymous Fjordman and more than likely simply assassinate him.
So I offer kudos to those who are able to keep his identity secret.
I have read some of Fjordman’s essays and I have to admit, I am a big fan. I may disagree with some things. For instance I vaguely recall Fjordman is a little critical of Christianity for allowing European foundations to slip away. Nonetheless Fjordman’s critique of the dangers Islam present to Western culture is in my opinion spot on.
Courtesy of Klein Verzet Blog I have been alerted of part one of a Fjordman series that is posted on Dhimmi Watch by Robert Spencer (A Winds of Change Essay provides the appellation of “Fjordmen” to those of the like of Robert Spencer that crusade to expose the truth of Islam – I like the terminology.).
The series is entitled, “Fjordman: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, Part 1.” I encourage you to keep your eyes open for whatever Parts that may follow. I kind of post these things are link to them by running into them by happenstance. If I run into the other Parts in the series I will post them or link to them (sometimes Fjordman is so full of information he can be verbose). If I do miss them, keep in mind Fjordman is everywhere. He writes mainly in the Brussels Journal and the Gates of Vienna this essay is at Dhimmi Watch which is a sister blog to Spencer’s Jihad Watch (quite a pedigree huh?).
Fjordman: Islam, the Greeks and the Scientific Revolution, part 1 [on Dhimmi Watch]
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