Islam cries for respect in their simultaneous superiority complex over everything combined with a victimhood attitude. And yet I read of Mohammedan atrocities at Christian and Jewish Holy sites constantly. The location I hear the most is the Temple Mount, a place of constant conquest and desecration ever since the Presence of God entered Solomon’s Temple.
The Jewish desecration came in forsaking the proper respect of God’s Presence in the Temple and thus they lost it to Babylon.
The Persians allowed the return of Jews to their God ordained land in which Zerubbabel’s Temple was built and later embellished upon by Herod.
I believe a combination of worldliness by the Temple Priest elites and the rejection of Christ as the Messiah led to the second destruction and desecration of the Temple about 70 AD.
When Christianity became the State Religion of the Roman Empire, the Temple area became the site of Christian Churches. Certainly the Jews felt this was another desecration.
Byzantine (East Roman) Emperor Justinian built the Church of St. Mary (dedicated to the Virgin Mary) on the Temple Mount about 560 AD.
Non-Mohammedan Persians (Iranians) and the Byzantine Empire apparently switched control of Jerusalem back and forth for awhile however the entire time this was happening Jerusalem was a Christian city with Jewish population.
Mohammedan-Arab Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantine Empire in 638 AD, six years after pseudo-Prophet Mohammed died. Caliph Abd El Malik built the Dome of the Rock around 691 to 692 AD. Malik’s son Abd El-Wahd transformed the Church of St. Mary built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian into Al-Aksa Mosque around 705 to 715 adding Mohammedan features to the Byzantine Church.
The Crusaders re-took Jerusalem from the Mohammedans in 1099. The Crusaders turned the Dome of the Rock into a Church and called it the “Temple of our Lord” or “Templum Domini.” The Church built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian that was converted into Al-Aksa Mosque became the headquarters of the Knights Templars.
The Mohammedan Saladin then vanquished the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187 and again Mohammedanized the Temple Mount re-establishing the two Mosques.
The Mohammedan Saladin then vanquished the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187 and again Mohammedanized the Temple Mount re-establishing the two Mosques.
From 1187 until 1967 the Temple Mount was managed by Mohammedan control. When a massive invasion of Israel occurred in 1967 by Egypt, Syria and Jordan (primarily), the Arabs decisively lost and Israel regained much of the land of their heritage from the invading nations. Most importantly Israel united the City of David – Jerusalem – under Israeli sovereignty which includes the Temple Mount.
One of the greatest mistakes of the Israeli government was to allow the duality of Mohammedan management and Israeli sovereignty of the Temple Mount.
Here is the reason for the huge error of allowing Mohammedans to manage the control of the Temple Mount: Mohammedan outrageous intolerant superiority complex is driving the Waqf to destroy archeological evidence of the dominant years of Jewish control of Mt Moriah** on which the Temple of God was built. In terms of years Mohammedan control has been less. Their conquering Caliphs built Mosques in the area merely to have something physical to match their erroneous Scriptures in the Quran and the Haditha about Mohammed taking a trip to Heaven on a winged horse.
And to confirm the misplaced gesture of peace by Moshe Dayan, Ehud Olmert is preparing to give up all of the 1967 victories in order that a sovereign Palestinian State will exist peacefully next to Israel. I am guessing Olmert is not a great student of history.
**Editor Note: This link is an evolving link. You can reference the link by reading the Temple Institute information I posted at the the end of this article at OR for reference purposes you may wish to check the archives of
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