Matt Sanchez is an embedded reporter for World Net Daily in Iraq. He provides a perspective that the Mainstream Media (MSM) has little courage to report honestly because of President Bush hatred. Any smacking of success stories from the troop surge undermines Leftist Democrats and Leftist MSM from their agenda of bringing down the influence of the Christian Right Conservatives and neoconservatives. Currently the former and latter groups I have mentioned are the victims of a relatively successful epithet propaganda campaign. In other words the Left is trying to convince the voting public that the war is the result of the Christian Right and neocon influence and they are correct. The conclusion the Left wishes to impose on the voting public is that the War on Terrorism in Iraq is an abject failure. Thus vote Leftist Democrat even though they have no viable solutions (other than abandoning the mission) to win the war initiated by President Bush supporters.
That solution is mere hate propaganda by the Left to regain political control of America to continue the eradication of Biblical morality and the transformation of America into a Secular Humanist value system that normalizes disgusting lifestyles and denigrates the Christian foundations of America’s heritage.
The ruthless Democrats will use any tool to win voters for their ultimate goals even if it means proclaiming the War on Terrorism and the coming clash with radical Islam a loss and something to flee. That plays well with voters that have become impatient with the war not ending microwave style, i.e. the quick zap and leave.
Since the MSM controls most of the dissemination of information to the public, the microwave generation listens. These are voters that care more about what happens to provide their comfort zone and family life in the now rather than the consequences of bad choices for the future. For the most part this chunk of voters listening to MSM propaganda is not political. If they vote at all it is because of unhappiness that the government is blamed for.
So we have the politically Slanted Right via alternate modes of media (Blogs and the few Slanted Right news outlets) vying with information dissemination of the Slanted Left MSM which supports Slanted Left Democrats. The non-political Joe American that merely wishes to live and pursue happiness votes on the scale that perpetuates their life goals. For these voters (again if they vote) the vote is cast for the person they believe will maintain their pursuit of happiness regardless of political affiliation. These are the voters that were enraged with righteous indignation at the occurrence of 9/11. And these are the voters that the Slanted Left have been working to erase the memory of the attack on American soil on 9/11.
Whew! That felt good.
Anyway back to WND embedded reporter Matt Sanchez.
Sanchez writes how Sunni’s are beginning to reach out to American Troops of the Surge because of the murderous rampage of al-Qaeda-Iraq (AQI). Read it and allow it to influence your thought patterns. Remember 9/11!
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