Friday, May 26, 2006

Who Will Protect Kosovo’s Christians?

I had mistakenly posted a comment via the not reading very carefully route. This article by the Acton Institute is about Kosovo, a province that is in the middle between Montenegro and Serbia. It is Kosovo in which the minority faith is the Christian Eastern Orthodox Church.

When I first followed the story of Montenegro independence, it seemed to be an occasion to celebrate. After all, that is the nature of America: independence from foreign rule and the reference of human rights and liberty of thought, conscience and religion. Evidently the Liberty part will be prohibitive to the Christian Eastern Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Kosovo has been managed by United Nations administration as semi-autonomous province of the now defunct Serbia-Montenegro Union. The year 2006 may be the big year for Kosovo's independence as well.

Unfortunately for the Eastern Orthodox Church in Kosovo, they have already been persecuted by Islamofascist Mohammedans. The Church fears Kosovo's independence will result in a Christian genocidal slaughter as Mohammedan Sharia law is imposed on Christians.

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