Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mohammedan Sex Increase Western Welfare Checks

Mohammedan men have found an interesting way to make money and have fun without the work. Marry multiple kafir (non-Mohammedan) wives and convert them to Mohammedanism, then impregnate the multiple wives to have an increase in children. The result: A big welfare check.

This is also one way that Mohammedanism is slowly conquering Western Europe without the bloodshed. Medieval European Christianity stopped Mohammedan Armies; 21st Century sex is conquering modern Europe.

America has already been paying out billions of dollars for welfare benefits to illegal aliens from Mexico. Think what would happen when moral relativity used to defend homosexual marriage follows through to the conclusion to polygamous marriages. The Welfare will be used by Mormons that adhere to old Mormon canons and Mohammedans that practice polygamy. Americans will invent religions just to have multiple wives and have the government pay the cost.

Hat tip to United American Committee Official Blog.

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