Saturday, May 27, 2006

Clinton/Kerry Want to Enable Voting for Convicts and Felons

Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator John Kerry have sponsored a bill in the Senate that will enlarge the Democratic Party base of voters. The bill will enable convicted felons and convicts the ability to vote in elections. This is no surprise because the Democratic Party is the biggest supporter of illegal aliens to have amnesty and thereby citizenship to vote.

Evidently the Democratic Party intends to secure political power in America at the behest of criminals and foreigners. Does anyone see a problem with this?

A Zogby poll says 51% of Americans would have a problem with such legislation. That amazes me that the implication is that 49% do not see a problem!

Another Zogby poll suggests that 71% of Americans correctly perceive such legislation is a Democratic Party scam to enlarge their voter base.

It is time to call your Senator to defeat this legislation. I don’t want criminals and foreigners deciding the fate of American policy. Do you?

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