Sunday, May 28, 2006

Is Bush Doctrine Succumbing to its Enemies?

“The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” (President Bush, 2nd Inauguration)

America has recognized diplomatic relations with Libya. Secretary of State Rice has announced the Libya has renounced terrorism. Really they have only renounced nuclear ambitions out of fear of the original Bush doctrine going from Iraq to Libya. Pundits are beginning to sing that
this is the beginning of the failure of the Bush Doctrine.

There have been telling indications that President Bush's vision to take Democracy to the tyrants of the world may be losing steam. Not that the vision is a failure, but the resistance of the globe's Western Liberals have put a major dent in the execution of the vision.

President Wilson had a plan for world peace with the creation of the League of Nations to be a global response to tyrannical hegemons on world domination. It was an ideal that the American Senate shot down. Without America functioning in the architect's dream, the League of Nations evolved into a powerless world agency.

President Bush had a global vision for bringing Democracy to the Middle East. The vision saw that if people who have been governed by autocratic tyrants could be liberated with an infrastructure of Democracy, then Islamofascist terrorism would fade into the sunset.

The problem the President ran into is that the Leftists of the World were unwilling to the price. The EU and Russia would not get behind the plan. It is not surprising that China would not cooperate.

The result: President Bush was forced to go it alone. America has been stretched in its resources and therefore its resolve. America's own leftists have been obtuse and belligerent to the Bush vision from the beginning.

If President Bush fails, it will not be his lack of effort. It will be the blindness of the West to seize an opportunity to bring Democracy to the Middle East. Yes it would have cost blood, however the World would be safer place to live in.

I predict the future will eventually see a line-up of nations that will have to eventually confront Islamofascism. This confrontation will occur because of the simple reason of survival. Nations like Russia and China may actually unite to join Islamofascists to counter Western hegemony centered around the United States.
Missing the Bush opportunity will cost the world even more lives because of the failure of Liberals and Conservatives to unite to defeat its common enemy: Islamofascist Mohammedanism.

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