Fred Kagan has developed an exit strategy for America's involvement in Iraq. It is an analysis based on past engagements that have been successful utilizing ratios of American troops to Iraqis coupled with a take to the enemy while holding ground.
As Kagan points out, the prosecution of the war in Iraq is complicated because of the existence of Sunnis and Shi'ites. The problem that exists today is a Sunni insurgency that strikes fear of the cooperation of the civilian Sunnis with American troops. There is also the problem of Shi'ite militia that exists to provide safety from Sunni insurgency. The disarming of Shi'ite militias is incumbent on the sense of security that is not available.
Kagan's plan would increase American troop levels, however success would bring Americans home much sooner than the current strategies employed at present.
Impeachment? No. Impalement!
by Will Durst
I don’t know about you guys, but I am so sick and tired of these lying, thieving, holier-than-thou, rightwing, cruel, crude, rude, gauche, coarse, crass, cocky, corrupt, dishonest, debauched, degenerate, dissolute, swaggering, lawyer shooting, bullhorn shouting, infra-structure destroying, buck passing, hysterical, criminal, history defying, finger pointing, puppy stomping, roommate appointing, pretzel choking, collateral damaging, aspersion casting, wedding party bombing, clearcutting, torturing, jobs outsourcing, torture out-sourcing, election fixing, women’s rights eradicating, Medicare cutting, uncouth, spiteful, boorish, vengeful, jingoistic, homophobic, xenophobic, xylophonic, racist, sexist, ageist, fascist, cashist, audaciously stupid, brazenly selfish, lethally ignorant, journalist purchasing, genocide ignoring, corporation kissing, poverty inducing, crooked, coercive, autocratic, primitive, uppity, high-handed, domineering, arrogant, inhuman, inhumane, inbred, inept, insipid, incapable, incompetent, ineffectual, insolent, insincere, know-it-all, snotty, pompous, contemptuous, supercilious, gutless, spineless, shameless, avaricious, noxious, poisonous, imperious, merciless, graceless, tactless, brutish, brutal, Karl Roving, backward thinking, persistent vegetative state grandstanding, nuclear option threatening, evolution denying, irony deprived, consciously depraved, conceited, perverted, peremptory invading, thirty-five day vacation taking, bribe soliciting, hellish, smarty pants, loudmouth, bullying, swell headed, ethics eluding, domestic spying, medical marijuana busting, Halliburtoning, narcissistic, undiplomatic, blustering, malevolent, demonizing, Duke Cunninghamming, hectoring, dry drunk, Muslim baiting, hurricane disregarding, oil company hugging, judge packing, science disputing, faith based advocating, armament selling, nonsense spewing, education ravaging, whiny, insane, unscrupulous, lily livered, greedy (exponential factor fifteen), fraudulent, delusional, CIA outing, redistricting, anybody who disagrees with them slandering, fact twisting, ally alienating, betraying, chickenhawk, sell out, quisling, god and flag waving, scare mongering, Cindy Sheehan libeling, smirking, bastardly, voting machine tampering, sociopathic, cowardly, treasonous, Constitution shredding, oppressive, vulgar, antagonistic, trust funding, nontipping, tyrannizing, peace hating, water and air and ground and media polluting (which is pretty much all the polluting you can get), deadly, traitorous, con man, swindling, pernicious, lethal, illegal, haughty, venomous, virulent, mephitic, egotistic, bloodthirsty, yellowbelly, hypocritical, Oedipal, did I say evil, I’m not sure if I said evil, because I want to make sure I say evil . . . EVIL, cretinous, slime buckets in the Bush Administration that I could just spit.
Impeachment? Hell no. Impalement. Upon the sharp and righteous sword of the people’s justice. Make it a curtain rod. Because it would hurt more.
Wow! I've been visited by a bleeding liberal bought a thesaurus.
She should look in the mirror to view true evil, then repent and wash it clean by the blood of the Lamb of God. Forgiveness is for all who seek it.
correction-A person of theological fascism has finally been called out on his or her inability to comprehend the divine message of peace and justice of Christ's teaching as it is applied in a world of domination by pseudo-christians
who think the blood of the lamb of God is the blood of innocent people killed in wars by greedy, demonic unrepentent leaders seeking mammon through Empire.
Forgiveness is for all who seek it.
We true progressives for Christ are ready to accept you.
The only sacrifice you need to shed is your ignorance
of what God's plan means.
Since you have identified yourself as a "Progressive Christian," it is doubtful you comprehend the Blood of the Lamb. So-called "Progressives" question the Divinity and Sonship of Christ. It is why they accept the violent nature of Islamofascists and Mohammedans, not realizing that the spread of the Mohammedan death-cult was the result of empire building in the name of the fake god allah in the name of the psuedo-prophet Mohammed. "Progressive Christians" is another name for moral relativity and Western cultural suicide. Have mercy on their soul.
Wrong again.
Progressive Christianity is the ecunemical vision of human and divine relationship-
shared by all God's creatures-including Muslims.
As far as violence is concerned one must look to the fundamentalism of literal interpretation and exclusivity defending it's territory, national boundaries, capital, and its ideology. by acts of submission to inner traits of hatred, fear and suffering.
Fundamentalism is the scourge of all the values of the Gospels and it would have been strongly rejected by Christ himself.
You won't get to heaven by seeing only your own little cornor as the whole space of grace and wisdom.
Openess and sharing are progressive values-they signal the infinite characteristics of divinity and humaness.
Come aboard my dear brother or sister-the New World Order is just the same old lies.
The Truth will set you free.
Actually SevenPointman, Mohammedans have the corner on exclusivity and intolerance. It is the Truth of Jesus Christ that delivers carnal thinking such as the Mohammedan belief a male will receive 72 virgins in paradise for the murder of innocent people to further their vision of the ecumenical cause.
Gospel of Jesus Christ delivers humanity from such wicked thinking, awake from the darknes and find the true light in the Son of God and your Savior (if only you will accept His Mercy and Forgiveness).
Mohammadans-this a term used in the 19th century.
The belief you state about these 72 virgins appears nowhere in the Quran . It is a fundamentalist distortion based on a modern hadith taken from an intepretation of another hadith on a Quranic sura.
The vast majority of Moslems reject any form of violence.
it is only the fanatics who use the word and the sword to proselitize.
peace my friend.
Good night and good luck...
SevenPointman you are correct about my reference of Mohammedan being 19th century. I do so because it not politically correct and it infuriates Islamofascists. So I prefer Mohammedan. I could even use the Musselman, the 19th century term for a Turkish Mohammedan. I might even start a good rabble rousing by using Saracen, the Christian Medieval term for Mohammedans.
Also you are correct about the "72 virgins" not being in the Quran. However it is in the Hadiths. The Hadiths are extremely important in the formation of Mohammedan sharia law, so don't be fooled - it is a prominent belief system common among Mohammedans. In particular it is popular among the Wahhabi sect that is popular in Saudi Arabia and the primary exporter Mohammedan beliefs among American Mohammedans.
Where do the 72 Virgins come from?
Muslims are motivated to terrorism because the Koran, the Bible of Islam, tells them that fighting non-believers is a duty of every Muslim and the only way to be certain of going to heaven is to die fighting in the cause of allah.
If they can make it to heaven, one of the rewards all Muslims are promised is 72 virgins. The number of virgins is not specified in Koran, it comes from a quotation of Muhammad recorded in one of the lesser known Hadith. ("Hadith" is an Arabic word meaning traditions. After Muhammad's death, several collections of his deeds and sayings were assembled. These collections are called Hadith and form the second most authoritative document is Islam, right after the Koran.)
According to this page, the specific Hadith in which the number of virgins is specified is Hadith Al-Tirmidhi in the Book of Sunah (volume IV, chapters on The Features of Paradise as described by the Messenger of Allah, chapter 21, About the Smallest Reward for the People of Paradise. The same hadith is also quoted by Ibn Kathir in his Koranic commentary (Tafsir) of Surah Al-Rahman:
"The Prophet Muhammad was heard saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby, as wide as the distance from Al-Jabiyah [a Damascus suburb] to Sana'a [Yemen]."
So it isn't the case that only martyrs get the virgins, but the only way to get the virgins is to get to heaven, and Koran is quite specific that the only way to be certain of getting to heaven is to die in Jihad.
So my liberal friend, happy trails when the Islamofascists identify you as a fakir and treat you accordingly. Or perhaps you are Mohammedan and look forward to the Mohammedan paradise? Time will tell.
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