In the main entry from the e-newsletter Winning the Future sent out by Newt Gingrich, he speaks of Making English Our National Language is Not Racist. Newt of course is a potential Republican Presidential candidate in 2008; therefore you will begin to hear his opinion more and more often. This opinion is RIGHT ON. English is the cohesion of the essence of what makes the United States America. We are a melting pot nation; however we are an assimilated melting pot nation. The language of assimilation is English.
Gingrich aptly points out those 37 Senators voted against making English the National Language for America. The thing Gingrich left out is the Party representations of those 37 Senators. I suspect there were some Republicans or Gingrich would have hammered the Democrats rather than the Senate in general. You guys can investigate that one; it will be interesting on the Party break down of those 37 Senators.
Another awesome point brought to the fore by Gingrich is about balloting. Even though a huge majority of Americans support an English National Language, it is still mandated in several States to have multi/bi-lingual ballots for those who don't speak English to comprehend what they are voting for. What a crock! Gingrich points out if one has to be an American citizen to vote and to be an American citizen you have to learn English, why are there multi/bi-lingual ballots mandated in the election process?
The War on Terror and Illegal Immigration are issues that will need to be addressed in defining who we are as Americans.
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