Steve Shultz is The Man that is behind disseminating Christian essays from various Christian authors on the Elijah List. The Elijah List is a for profit Christian business that ultimately markets a specific form of Christian books. The authors tend to be "Renewal" (Toronto Blessing types), Charismatic and Prophetic. The Elijah List is huge and I am a recipient. Steve rarely does more than give an explanatory note to what is sent out, so when he does one of his own postings I tend take notice. This is one of those times.************************************************************"I WOKE UP WITH THIS POWERFUL DREAM FROM GOD. I INTENSELY INSISTED, 'THIS IS HOW A REAL LEADER LEADS!'"By Steve Shultz : May 24, 2006Though we are a for-profit company and can therefore take any stance we want to, THE ELIJAH LIST IS NOT a political organization and we tend to stay away from political stances. As I've said before, spiritually, I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but monarchist... that is, I serve spiritually "a reigning KING." His name is JESUS--THE Christ!
Rather than being a political organization, Instead we are a prophetic organization. But I tend to focus on prophetic GRACE.
That's why it so surprised me when I woke up from this prophetic dream this morning. I had an anger burning within me--but it seemed at this time, like a Godly anger--at least in the dream. It shocked me when I woke up. Truly, it's very unusual for me to feel this sort of "righteous anger" in a dream.
In this dream, the newscasters were going on and on (ad nauseam), about President Bush's approval ratings dropping in the polls. That's where the anger of the Lord began to burn inside of me.
Now please note--back when President Clinton was in office, God made it VERY clear to me, with no ambiguity whatsoever--that I was not to speak ill of him because President Clinton's heart (not always his actions necessarily) was to do what was right. I even watched people during the days of the Clinton administration, who spoke ill of President Clinton--and I would see their marriages fall apart. Eerily, the more angry they became at the President and the more they spoke against President Clinton, the more their marriages seemed to fall apart. To this day, I've wondered what the connection was or what the connection IS? Is it a one-to-one connection? That is to ask, "If you speak against your authorities, will God lift a measure of HIS grace that was resident upon your life--at least for a season, until you repent?"
Back to my Dream: In this dream, as I heard the conversations; the sounds of those newscasters pontificating about the terrible drop in the poll numbers for President Bush, I was angered "by the Lord." I began to become angry at those same newscasters. (I seemed to be with them in the dream.)
I yelled: "This is what 'leadership' looks like. This is how a real leader actually leads. No matter how low you are in the polls, you stand on the truth, on principle, on what you believe to be right, even if you make a mistake here and there."
I just kept (in a sense) chewing them out for a viewpoint that was unrighteous from Heaven's perspective.
True Leadership
Who would question the wisdom of Solomon? Yet he became most famous when he was presented with a no-win situation, and yet he came up with wisdom that solved an unsolvable problem--one baby with two mothers claiming the baby as their own.
Solomon solved what should have been a problem with no solution. There were no DNA tests in those days.I believe we will see the same with this President--President Bush. And if there is someday a President elected from "the other side of the aisle," I pray that I will speak up and intercede for him (or her) as well!
Leadership--true leadership, be it in your church, town, city, state or YOUR President of the United States--is not based on how the leader reacts to polls. It will be how the leader reacts to what is righteous and what is just.Recently the Lord told me that "Societal Justice is one of the 'keys' in HIS Kingdom." I believe that I heard God speak as accurately as I've ever heard Him.Here's something to ponder. More people died in the Twin Towers than the number who died in Pearl Harbor. Yet as a result of Pearl Harbor, we lost 400,000 Americans (men and women). Beyond that, Tens of millions of lives were lost in WWII throughout Europe, as a result of that war.
Yet since 9/11/2001--we've lost but a few thousand lives in order to protect our distant shores (of course every life is precious to God), and in President Bush's stand to protect the Jewish people. Saddam Hussein, was offering $25,000 per family for every suicide/homicide bomber who would kill Jewish people with a strapped-on bomb. Yet to listen to the media, one might think the evil is in the leadership of President Bush, rather than in those who attacked us, or those who attacked our Jewish friends.I hate to say it, but that's just silly. Who would not protect his own home, his wife and his family.
Whoever would not protect his own home or his homeland...shame on him!I believe God is having His "fill" of the media and their prognosticating of the dropping polls regarding President Bush. I, for one (and I do believe I've received this from the Lord), believe that President George W. Bush was brought into office for such a time as this, to protect and serve this nation and it's wonderful peoples.
May we all find ourselves speaking well of the man God has seen fit to put into the "House called WHITE!"
(White meaning--into the light and out of darkness.)
Steve Shultz
The Elijah List