Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nazir-Ali and Redding

The Islamist Watch blog has posted a piece that is wondering about the contrasts within the Anglican Communion.

The contrast is between Michael Nazir-Ali (Bishop of Rochester, England) and Anne Holmes Redding and former Episcopalian Priest (Anglican Communion) residing in Seattle, WA.

Michael Nazir-Ali is a Pakistan born British citizen that has risen to the Episcopal position of Bishop. Now here is the irony of Nazir-Ali: he rebukes the stand of the Archbishop of Canterbury (the Big Dog of the Anglican Communion)
Rowan Williams for proclaiming Sharia Law is an inevitable reality that the UK should validate as part of the rule of law.

Nazir-Ali is extremely anti-radical Islam and appropriately points out that Sharia Law would (and IS) dilute the British Christian heritage that has made the UK a land of individual freedom. Radical Islam will “emphasize the solidarity” of the global Muslim community. In other words Islam promotes intolerance and Christianity promotes Liberty.

Nazir Ali has survived deep animosity in Britain from Islamists who resent his outspoken critique of radical Islam. "It is a matter of public record that I have received death threats from militant Muslims," he told the Jerusalem press conference. Earlier this year, the Bishop of Rochester sharply criticized Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’ suggestion that Britain recognize some aspects of Islamic law. Last month, he criticized the Church of England’s reluctance to share the Gospel with Muslims. (FrontPage Magazine)

It is with sadness that Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali is stepping down from his Episcopal Office in England to aid Christians who are a minority in areas in which intolerant Islam dominates. A risky decision to share the Gospel in areas that it is a capital offense to convert away from Mohammedanism.

Then there is former Priest Anne Holmes Redding. The key word is former. For even the Left Wing Episcopal Church in America recognizes that one cannot be both a Muslim and a Christian and serve as an Episcopal Priest representing Christianity. That is the very ludicrous position that Anne Holmes Redding demanded to be accepted for. Fortunately the Big Dog in the America’s (or at least in the line of authority) Episcopalian Left leaning denomination defrocked Anne Holmes Redding.

For Redding to be a good Muslim according to Mohammedan revered writings, she may have to
kill herself for being a Christian. By the way, do not be fooled by Muslim apologists that attempt to tell a critic of Islam that the slaughter the kafir writings must be seen in the light of peaceful Islamic writings. That Muslim apologist has either not educated their self fully in Mohammedan theology or has a complete Muslim theological understanding and is attempting to deceive the critic of Islam. The principle for this in Mohammedanism is called abrogation. In short the murderous writings mostly from Medina outweigh the peaceful writings mostly from Mecca.

JRH 4/11/09

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