Saturday, June 30, 2007

Kofi the Corrupt Manages an Agricultural NGO

Kofi the Corrupt is still making headlines even after his dubious tenure as United Nations Secretary-General has ended. (Did anyone check the U.N. books before Annan stepped down? Could Annan and son have had one last fling of U.N. embezzlement and finance manipulation to cover their future comfortably?)

It is incredible that Bill Gates – probably one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time – has donated huge funds to Kofi Annan.

Annan has set himself up in an NGO called the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa. Between the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation Annan’s NGO received a $150 MILLION jump start Grant.

Annan’s scandalous Secretariat that funneled money to his son (and probably himself) and various companies and nations of Europe is managing an NGO that will promote an agricultural turn around in Africa. Hello! Kofi the Corrupt also was the U.N. Secretariat that was responsible for hindering agricultural breakthroughs via bureaucratic U.N. regulations that nations are supposed to honor. (Of course we know that many Mohammedan nations regularly ignore U.N. oversight and regulation.)

Read Henry I. Miller’s commentary on Kofi Annan entitled,
Give Annan the boot for details of what I am talking about.

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