Thursday, June 14, 2007

Crimes against Humanity by Former East European Communists

Well here is something I have never really thought of: Eastern Europe was under the grip of Soviet Communism from the end of WWII until the “Evil Empire” (Ronald Reagan) fell. There were horrendous acts of repression by puppet Communist governments executed upon the citizens of various Eastern European nations.

John O’Sullivan of the Hudson Institute basically asks, “Why has not the East European post Soviet governments investigated and adjudicated obvious and potential monsters that committed crimes against humanity in the name of the various Communist States?”

It is a fascinating query is it not? You would think after the Cold War at least the victors would ask for justice would you not?

The thing is the Cold War ended not by military engagement, but by a combination of a Reagan military build up and a Soviet economic collapse. Not a shot was fired or nuclear missile exchanged. The Soviet Evil Empire simply collapsed buried by Western (particularly American) economic resources in which the Soviets could not keep up.

The people of the East European nations shook off the chains of Communism with most adopting a democratic mode of government (some are actually dictatorships having not learned the lessons of the past).

I guess I disagree with O’Sullivan. These people are more than capable to decide if Justice or Mercy should be distributed for the past repression of Communist Secret Police (or the various names they went by). Possibly Mercy was the quickest way to heal a national conscience and move forward free from the interference of foreign governments dictating Political Policy across the board nationally and internationally.

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